Chapter three:

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Poor thing, all cuddled on the floor. His underwear are fitting for who he is as a person. I sat back and smiled, he was such an interesting person, but at the same time, not at all. He intrigues me greatly, I find myself maybe borderline obsessed with him. His boring routine which occurs every day without failure, and the days that it did fail left him distraught for the rest of his day. His processes were slow and meticulous and he did them with utmost care. It was always entrancing to watch.

For weeks on end, I've longed to have him in my arms, and now I do, but I find myself too afraid to touch him, as though he would crumble into dust. Such a fragile figure, a beautiful man, all limbs and lanky bones. Slender hips and sinewy muscles. I reached out with a shaking thumb, too afraid to even breathe. I brushed his bottom lip and bit my own. It was so soft and warm and I craved him so horribly, but I stood instead. It would come. He would come to.


When Scott woke up, he first noticed the smooth fabric brushing his legs. He then realized he was in a bed, the covers were up and over him and his pants were missing. He also realized how much he hated being so slow to realize things in this state of mind. He sat up abruptly and ripped the covers off. The only thing on his legs were wraps and bandages over his knees which stung a bit when he bent them. He didn't feel weird or sore in any other ways, though, which reassured him that he wasn't touched in any sort of inappropriate manors. So be it if the creep got off to the sight of him naked, as long as he wasn't touched.

He found that he had no drive to move, he felt depleted, but still, he had to keep going. He swung his legs over the side of the bed, the bandaids popping off of his wounds a little bit with the loosened flesh and cold air brushed them. Scott shivered, it felt nice. Standing slowly, he discovered he had no idea where he is pants were. He swiveled his head around frantically and felt under the bed with his foot, as it hurt to much to get on his hands and knees to search.

He took to the drawers on the dresser and found a gray pair of sweatpants along with all sorts of oddities, his stressed brain skipped over a pair of his underwear in the drawer as he shut it. Sitting back on the bed, he managed to awkwardly get into the perfect sized pants without straining his knees too much. Standing up, he stumbled to the door in a less than graceful manor. He heard music drifting from somewhere. It was absolutely beautiful but hauntingly entrancing. With one hand, he braced himself on the wall, sliding his palm across the papery surface as he padded as quietly and awkwardly as he could manage, creeping towards where the sound was, though that was usually a frowned upon idea.

The house was large, but dingy all the same. Not in a disgusting way, necessarily. It was border line comforting, but not in the way that would entice someone to stay here for a long time. Scott reached a corner and he cautiously leaned around it, the music had stopped he noticed. The room around the corner was decently large with a bay window draped with the same spidery lace curtains. Sitting in the orange light of the afternoon outside, was a grand piano, the lid was lifted and the wood was shining an amber shade. The man sat at the bench, fluttering though a booklet of music. Scott went to back up, maybe he could run now, but he bumped into the table. His fogged state of mind disabled him from swinging around fast enough to catch the vase. There was a rug running down the hallway, so the vase didn't shatter on the hardwood floors, but it thumped loudly and Scott heard the bench slide out quickly.

"Scotty?" The voice called. Scott froze, he couldn't run, it would only make him look bad. So he stood up as straight as he could manage as the man came around the corner. "Ah, good... afternoon." He said, flicking his wrist to check his watch. "Are you hungry, you never ate dinner."

"No." Scott said, clenching his fists. He swung out, but there was a solid smack as the man caught his fist in his own hand, never taking his eyes off of Scott.


I'll give him some props, that was a good swing. Far too predictable, but yet, so was he. I knew as much as a fight he was putting up now, he didn't have the gumption to carry it on for long. There's not a doubt that soon enough I would have Scott all nice and broken in like a good little mare. He trapped rabbit stare was only temporary, though I am glad he's exploring. He needs to learn that I've given him plenty of rights. He stumbled though, bless his heart, straight into me. Collapsing against my chest. I looped an arm around him, holding him up, poor thing. He clutched my shirt, but I could tell he was uncomfortable doing so.

"Darling, you're hungry. Please, eat. I promise you I've done nothing to the food." I tell him in the most sincere voice I can muster while trying to suppress the urge to pin him against a wall and make him scream and beg for me. I'd love to watch him eat.


Scott wondered how many times a man could offer him dinner before giving up. He attempted to straighten himself, nearly pulling his captor down in the process. The more he thought about it, that might have been a good plan, give him time to flee. Instead, all he could manage to do was nod. He braced himself. He could do this, fight.

As the man assured himself that Scott could stand on his own, he walked away, leaving Scott staring at his back. He was expected to follow. He took a deep breath and felt the rush of adrenaline, a split second urge to fight and he acted on it.

He launched himself at the man and slammed into his back, taking them both to the floor. The man yelped and Scott pushed his head into the ground with a forceful shove. He groaned and Scott pinned him down with his knees. He knew the position wasn't exactly masculine but he couldn't manage any other way.

Scott wasn't large but he was tall and that made him decently heavy, pinning him down.

"Scott... stop this." Scott was taken aback by the lack of emotion in his voice. Was he not angry? Scott slammed the palm of his hand into the base of the man's skull and suddenly, the man pushed off the ground, throwing Scott off of him. Scott hit the ground and a pulsing began in his skull. "Are you done now, Scotty? What do you say?"

"F-fuck you..." Scott mumbled and his vision went black. He was sick and tired of this whole blacking out thing.

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