Chapter five:

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I missed seeing Scotts face. How long was it, again, that the human body could last without water? No matter, twenty six hours was probably long enough. I wasn't even sure if Scott would be in the room when I opened the door, I had been skeptical to test this method of breaking someone in.

I opened the door slowly, in case he had gone feral in his solidarity, and it took me a second to find him. I stepped into the room, and then noticed the covers on the bed were ruffled and there was a sizable lump beneath them.

"Scoootty?" I called in what I figured was a motherly tone. The lump shifted and suddenly, the cover's flew off and Scott sat up. The way his hair was all ruffled and his eyes were sleepless made my heart sing.


He stared at the man that stood in the doorway, having not seen his face in at least a day. Scott had since lost track of time, and wasn't sure how long it had been, but his stomach hurt badly and he was dying of thirst. He scrambled forward on the bed, finding himself drawn to the man, instead of away. He could worry about escaping again, when he had water, never mind the food, of which the taste was still seared in Scott's mouth.

"Are you ready to be nice, now?" The man asked, as though he were speaking to a small child. Scott scowled and was prepared to throw another curse at him, when the man produced a bottle of water from behind his back. Scott's mouth immediately salivated and he could already feel the water down his throat before he even had it in his hands. He nodded rapidly, reaching out with a hand. "Eh, eh, eh... I want a verbal response, my dear." The man said, snatching the bottle away when Scott went to grab it.

"Yes, I'll be nice, now." Scott said quickly before reaching out and grabbing for the bottle again. The man sighed softly, and let Scott grab it. Scott scrabbled at the lid for a moment, struggling to get it open, but it eventually came loose and he threw his head back, drinking like he had never had water before. It dripped down his chin, but he didn't care.

"Slow down, my dear, if you choke..." The man started but Scott cut him off with a cough. He sniffled and looked up at the man. "Ah."

"Let me go." Scott panted and the man looked up, exasperated.

"Not this again. I had thought that we grew out of this silly little phase."

"Phase? This is no phase, you kidnapped me! You're holding me hostage and I want to leave. You will let me go!" Scott shouted, standing off the bed and confidently walking up to the man. Scott was much taller than he was, but again, not nearly as strong.

"You are home. This is your home, Scott. And I didn't kidnap you..." he paused to think, "I rescued you. From that disgusting world out there." He attempted to justify and Scott seethed, getting ready to try and fight the man again, he had had plenty of time to rest and prepare, but now he was lacking proper nourishment for a fight. He was sick of this.

"You didn't save me, I want to leave. Now." Scott demanded again, stepping closer to the man, though every step he took, he also subconsciously shrank away.

"How are you going to demand something from me, Scott, dearest, if you can't even do it properly?" The man asked, taking a step forwards himself, bracing himself right against Scott who seemed to freak out inside before ducking away and flying back to the bed. "Scotty, you're poor sweet thing. I made dinner tonight. No more of that... ahem, anyways." The man said and tucked a hand under Scott's chin, tilting it upwards and caressing his face with his thumb.

"D-don't touch me..." Scott stammered, but didn't flinch away as hard.

"Aw, tsk. I'll come and get you when dinner is set, alright?" The man asked him, looking deep into his eyes. He pulled away and Scott nodded, the cogs in his brain spinning faster than they ever had. If he sat here like he should, he could build the trust of the monster and then have a better chance of survival.

"Fine." He mumbled and the man left, shaking his head softly. Scott stared at him as he went, swallowing thickly and rising to his feet. He felt sick to his stomach, he had no idea how he was supposed to eat, despite how hungry he was. His head swam.

He stumbled a couple steps to the door way and then had to lean against it to catch his breath and his balance. He peaked out into the hallway, half expecting to see the man leaning around a corner with that disturbing smile, but the man seemed confident in Scott's word, as he wasn't there. Scott took a couple shaky steps out of his room and tiptoed down the carpet.

He reached the kitchen entry and heard sounds coming from beyond. Typical dinner sounds, plates clinking and something sizzling in a pan. Sounds which were much more enjoyable than whatever sounds came from the gray mush he had eaten days ago. He locked eyes with the man and that smile returned to his face, Scott shivered, that same sense of nausea ran over his blood.

"Scotty!" The man called cheerfully, waving Scott in. Scott nervously entered and the smell of garlic and other herbs hit him, his mouth watered like Pavlov's dogs. "Hungry, dearest?" The man chided, the grin never slipping.

"I 'spose..." Scott mumbled, shuffling in a few more steps. The man rushed around the table and pulled a chair out dramatically. Scott bit his lip and say down, only to be pushed under the table.

"There we are!" The man said cheerfully, and took his seat across from Scott. "I'm sure you'll like it! Anything is better than what you ate earlier!" He said. It was clear he wasn't trying to start conversation, he was only covering the silence. Scott frowned and studied the lace tablecloth instead of looking at the man. He couldn't help but to remember that this house wasn't the man's. He had no clue who it belonged to.

"I-" Scott began but was cut off from a loud beep. The man brightened.

"Ah! Bon appetite!" He smiled and set a plate in front of Scott. It had a piece of seasoned meat and some darkened vegetables. Scott admitted to himself that it actually looked stunning.

"Oh..." he said and looked up to see the man looking expectantly down at him.

"Well...?" He pressed and Scott reluctantly cut off a piece and begrudgingly put in his mouth. His eyes widened as he chewed. It was amazing.

"Oh." He said again, a little more sure this time.

"Is it good, darling?" The man asked and Scott looked up and nodded, mouth still full.

"That's a good boy! Finally eating... I was growing worried you must be anorexic. Not that there's anything wrong with that..." the man explained before sitting down and cutting his own food. That strange, inhuman grin was still on his face and it made Scott shift nervously in his chair, sitting on one of his hands. He ate some more, in an attempt to please the man, he hoped he was doing the right thing.

"So... what was that thing I ate earlier?" Scott pressed, not fully believing the man's attempt at feigning obliviousness.

"Like I Said, doll, I'm not sure but you ate it, didn't you? Just like I asked!" The man seemed lost in his own pride that he made Scott eat it. As if it had been a goal of his, it made Scott's stomach churn. "But isn't this nice?"

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