Chapter Twelve:

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Scott woke up to a loud tapping on the window. He groaned and turned his head slowly. It was dark outside, all the lights in the room and the hall were off, and the man seemed to have been lying as there was no food in his room. He pushed himself up in bed, his head was ponding and his mouth was filled with saliva. He would swallow it but it made his throat clench and his stomach burn.

Scott squinted at the window and then, all of a sudden, he was blinded by the bright beam of a flashlight. He yelped and flung an arm up to shield his eyes. There were voices outside and Scott felt his heart surge. He paused to listen, the idea of calling out wasn't even on his mind.

"Yeah, yeah I'm sure nobody's home. There hasn't been life in this place for weeks!" It was a man's voice and it was excited. Scott struggled in the bed, realizing at some point, the man had come in and completely cocooned him in the sheets.

"Well let's get in." Another voice urged. There seemed to only be the two of them, but Scott couldn't see. The flashlight bounced away from the window to go around to the side of the house. Scott realized there must have been a balcony on this half of the house, how else were they at eye level with his window.

"Wait-" he croaked, but his voice didn't reach above a whisper and he thrashed around a while more. His desperation to break free from his cloth confines momentarily disguised his nausea. There were people here. And they were about to break in.

"Come on, I found the door." Justin called out and watched Seth nervously walk around the corner of the house.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked, watching as Justin pulled out a small leather pouch filled with small metal picks.

"Yeah I'm positive. You see the size of this shit? There's no way there's nothing in here." Justin grinned standing back with a wide gesture as the door swung open, soundlessly.

"Yeah, there's going to be people as well." Seth emphasized, clutching at the sleeves of his jacket as he followed Justin into the house.

It was massive. Three story's including the basement, and unbelievable square footage. As much as Seth hated to admit it, the house was probably a pot luck of riches. Seth crept through the door first and was amazed by the size of the entryway. It was a hallway that led all the way to the back, lined with doors. There was a room to the right with a piano and bookshelves and expensive Persian rugs. There was a room to the left with a fireplace and sofas and mantle pieces worth thousands. Justin followed closely behind, brushing a gloved finger along the wall as he ventured down it.

"Careful, Justin. Don't do too much..." Seth warned, still unsure if there was someone here or not. They had been scoping the place for a while now and there wasn't any activity, but that didn't mean that it was completely clear. For all Seth knew, their schedules and the house owners schedules were probably just not lined up. It's easy for anyone to say a house is empty if they only observe the times the owners aren't present

"It's all good, come on." Justin waved with his hand and Seth followed him, not quite walking upright. They passed a door that was open down the main hallway. It was cracked just a bit, but still open. The two looked at each other and then at the door. With a simultaneous nod, Justin nudged the door open with his toe. The sheets on the queen sized bed in the middle were all disheveled and stained horrible colors that Justin and Seth could only imagine. They crept into the room and Seth was already shaking his head, fear burning in his eyes. They rounded the bed and on the floor was a massive dark stain that had spread through the carpet, the edges of the stain were a pinkish color. Seth gagged, and Justin turned to see his friend double over, a hand clapped over his mouth.

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