Chapter eleven:

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Scott woke up in a cold sweat, his stomach ached badly and his whole arm felt completely numb. In a panic, he sat up, nauseated by the speed of his action. The sheet he was laying one was soaked with black, oozing blood, the outer edges were a pale pink. He vomited over the side of the bed. The amount of blood from his arm made him feel weak again and his head spun. He looked frantically towards the door and crawled to the edge of the bed, practically dragging himself across the sheets that stuck to his bare skin with the quantity of the blood. He threw himself from the bed with no thought of the fall. He landed with a loud thump on the hollow floors and groaned, curling into a ball.

It wasn't very long at all before the door opened and footsteps rushed towards him. A distant part in his nearly unconscious mind, imagined it was police officers there to save him from this circle of hell he found himself in, but he knew it was only wishful thinking. A gentle hand turned him over and he stared at the stucco ceilings, his vision was swimming and the lack of glasses made it much worse. He squinted into the light and a face leered over him. The handsome features of the disgusting man that held him captive.

"Scotty, hasn't anybody told you that throwing yourself from high places is dangerous? No matter; will you finally allow me to change your bandages?" He asked in a calm tone, brushing the back of his hand along Scott's cheek. He barely felt it, though, as his whole body felt numb. The only sensation was a burning cold as it tickled his hot skin. "You're incredibly warm, I believe you're sick." The man said, pulling away with a grunt of disapproval. "And these sheets... you've ruined them horribly."Standing up, he looked down. Scott was still twitching on the floor. He felt like death. Maybe death was close.

He wasn't as religious as he liked to say he was, but he believed in a god, and he figured now was a pretty good time to pray. He muttered the words "Our Father, who art in heaven..."

"Now, now, Scotty. Let's not be dramatic. I'll change your bandages and I'll give you some water and set you up in a different room, how does that sound? It is my fault, though. I didn't figure that this would bleed so heavily. I must have reattached it wrong. Or maybe your body is rejecting it... I didn't think of that." Scott felt feint and he clenched his teeth, pressing his tongue to the back of his throat, which was swelling with the promise of throwing up.

"Hallowed be thy name..." He whispered through pinched lips. The man sighed and rolled his eyes, scooping his Scott into his arms, pulling him against his chest.

"Up we go. You can pray later, but right now, my dearest, maybe try not to throw up on me. I just took a shower." The man said, kicking the door open gently with his shoe. He walked down the hallway towards the bathroom. Scott tried to roll out of his arms twice, hoping the fall would kill him even though the man was a little on the short side. The man finally managed the door open and pulled the shower curtain back, nearly entangling Scott in the fabric. Scott would have welcomed the strangulation without much complaint.

The man kneeled on the cracked green tile, a little clumsily, but carefully, and settled Scott into the tub. He had to tuck his knees up to fit in the small space, but he let his head fall back and his eyes closed. He tried to shut out the harsh fluorescents, his head pounding. They were giving him false hope that there was a heavenly light.

"Thy kingdom come, thine will be done, on earth as it is in heaven..." He mumbled, tears building.

"Hush, now. You're ruining my concentration." The man scolded. Unwrapping the soaked gauze the wound up Scott's hand and forearm. Scott moaned in complaint, turning his head to the side and squeezing his eyes shut. He didn't fight it, he didn't scream. He didn't have the strength to do either, but he figured at this point, it would be easier to pretend it wasn't happening. He tried to uproot hazy memories of the life he wanted so desperately to get back to.

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