Chapter four:

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His eyes opened quickly and he sucked in a gasp, tugging his hands to grasp his face, but found he was bound to something. He struggled again, but his hands were bound. Scott groaned, feeling a foreboding sense of helplessness budding in his chest. It felt like rot and decay and he was suffering.

"Ah. See, I didn't want to do that, Scotty, dearest. It must be done from time to time apparently, though, my doll." The man said, perching on the edge of a chair, his legs were spread and he was leaning on his elbows which were propped on his knees.

"Let me go, fucker." Scott spat, tasting blood in his mouth.

"Now, darling, that's not my name, and that language is also not necessary. I'm feeding you, am I not?" The man purred, standing again and walking to the fridge where he pulled out a glass tray with a tinfoil covering on top.

"W-what is that?" Scott muttered, curiously. His mouth watered uncontrollably despite not even knowing the possibly grotesque contents. The man looked over his shoulder at Scott, smiling softly. "What's your name?" Scott asked secondly.

"Hmm... a funny question. Now to decide how I'd like to respond to you. I'd love to be honest with you, but you are quite the slippery man, Scott. Would it be wise of me?" The man pondered, mostly to himself, but speaking to Scott.

"You know my name. What do I call you, at least?" Scott offered, trying to make it seem like a generous offer. The man scoffed softly, shaking his hand. He took the wrap off and it crinkled as he set it on the counter. Reaching into a drawer, he pulled out a spoon and scooped whatever was in the pan. It was moist sounding and Scott grimaced slightly. He wished he wasn't so hungry, though he didn't exactly have the chance to eat the chicken which, at the very least, sounded more appealing than whatever was behind pulled from the pan. His stomach growled and he heard another laugh from the man, he felt controlled.

"No, I do believe the time for that will come, Scotty. Now isn't that moment." He stuck the bowl in the microwave and Scott watched it spin through the dirty glass of the microwave.

"Do you ever clean?" Scott asked. He was aware his voice was still slurred with sleep, but it didn't stifle his attitude.

"I'm not sure if they ever cleaned this place... I've been meaning to get around to it." The man said and spun grinning madly at Scott who stared in shock as his words sank in.

"Th-this isn't your..." Scott began but his own saliva choked him off.

"Well, it is now. I've... commandeered it? Hahaha, don't look so concerned, my dear." The man purred, taking the bowl from the microwave and setting in front of Scott. He looked at it curiously, as if he himself had no idea what he had just given to Scott. "Interesting." He whispered, sticking the spoon in it. It was gray and slimy looking with... chunks.

"I'm... I'm not eating this!" Scott stammered, his stomach growled again, he groaned and wished it would shut up.

"Starve? Hardly. I'll feed you." The man said, poking it with the spoon. He looked at it and frowned before looking back up with Scott with what could easily be mistaken as an apologetic smile. Scott knew it was laughter. "Ahhh..." The man said, pushing the spoon towards his sealed lips.

"Get that away from me, you freak!" Scott whined, but his mouth was open wide enough for the spoon to shove past his lips and beyond his teeth. Scott faltered, closing his lips around the spoon and the man looked visibly amused, pulling the spoon out.

"That was rather easy, darling, thank you. How about another?" He questioned, patting Scott's cheek and watching him swallow. His eyes widened and so did Scott's. "Ah. Wasn't expecting that... is it good, I wonder?" The man brought the spoon up and sniffed it. "Kind of... eh, no I would say herbal, but I doubt there's any of that in here..." He reacted, and then put the spoon back in front of Scott's lips, giving him an expectant look. Scott winced and looked at the man with pleading eyes.

The man sighed. "As cute as that is, my dear, I want to watch eat some more of this... this." The man finished, nodding and looking back to Scott, who still wasn't opening his mouth. "Oh lord, fine, Scotty." He put his thumb on Scott's chin and pulled his mouth open, shoving the spoon in and closing his lips.

"Herk!" Scott gagged, but the man slapped a hand against his mouth, keeping everything in.

"Swallow, Scotty. Don't make me make you." The man growled and watched Scott swallow thickly. "Good boy. Good."

The whole ordeal was painful and Scott never saw an end to it. By the end, his stomach was churning in denial at the fact that he swallowed as much of that as he did. His heart was racing, though, and he had no explanation for it. He was still sitting at the kitchen table, watching the man, who's name he was still yet to learn, wash the bowl and actually put the wrap back on the pan and put it back in the fridge. He was full, though, and his stomach had finally shut up. In fact, he wasn't sure he's eaten that much in a long time.

"You finally ate, today, Scotty. I feel as though I should be marking these moments on a chart for you." The man laughed, wiping his hands on a towel and leaning on the table, looking at Scott with wide silver eyes. Scott rolled his own and sniffled. "What's the matter? Scared to say anything?" The man teased.

"Shut up." Scott mumbled.

"Oh. What?" The man asked, raising his eyebrows and standing back up straight.

"I said shut up." Scott said a little louder, but he still refused to look at the man when he said it.

"Maybe it was best for you to be scared. Understand it pains me to do this because I won't see your pretty little face, but trust me, it's for the best." The man said, walking around the table and undoing the chains on Scott's arms and ankles, grabbing him roughly and tugging him to his feet.

"N-no! Where-?" Scott stammered, struggling against the man's grasp, but he was too weak.

"You can't always say what you're thinking, Scott. Understand that, dearest." The man said, his tone was sweet and dripping in poison. They were nearing Scott's room and the man kicked the door open, throwing Scott on the floor.

"Wait! I'm Sorry?" Scott tried, but it just wasn't genuine enough. The man slammed the door. Scott flung himself at it, but it didn't budge. He screamed and pounded at the door but there was no response.

All he needed was to be broken in.

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