Chapter seven:

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To say I just have good timing would be a lie, I knew my precious little boy would leave his room. In fact, I counted on it. I wanted him to explore this wonderful house, I too thought it was surely something special compared to what I could have gotten.

Though I suppose it was a bit of a surprise when he went straight to the basement door, part of me thought he'd go upstairs first. He must have assumed I was up there, which, he would have been correct.

Watching the terror bloom on his face, the way his shoulders stiffened and his head snapped up. The blank way he dropped the package back into the freezer. The distress on his face as he spun around taking in his surroundings for the first time. My poor love had some settling in to do.


Scott woke up shivering viciously as he sat up. The room spun and the back of his throat hurt in that achy sort of way.

"Shit..." he whispered, pressing a hand to his forehead, he was on fire. Last nights event rushed through him and he felt something rush up from his stomach. Just before he could hurl, the man walked in and instead he screamed, nearly blacking out.

"No, no! It's okay, doll!" The man insisted, walking over briskly and pressing a hand against his forehead as well. "Oh no... tsk tsk tsk... poor thing. Do you feel alright." Scott bit his lip, he could respond any sort of way.

"I actually don't feel very good at all..." he mumbled, the tears from last night could be heard in his nasally voice.

"Aww here, lay down, I'll get you something..."

"No! N-no... I don't want anything." Scott stammered, imagining what could have possibly happened to the poor people in the freezer. His heart ached for people he had never met before.

"Well is there anything I can do?" The man asked, that smile wasn't on his face, but the glint was still in his eyes. Scott paused before responding.

"Can I go outside?" He asked, looking up with his eyes. The man faltered for a moment, his confidence seemed to crumble.

"O-outside? Why would you want to go out there? Everything you need is right here!" The man stumbled over his words, a desperation Scott had never seen seemed to be wracking his state of mentality.

"I want the warmth... the sunlight!" Scott cut him off of his rant before it possibly escalated further. Scott also wanted to see if he can formulate some sort of escape.

"Mm..." the man hummed, seeming to calm down a little bit. "I'll think about it. That's not a positive yes, but based on your behavior I'll consider it." The man said, taking a couple more steps and cupping Scott's cheek, gently rubbing it with his thumb. Scott was tempted to jerk away, but opted instead to stiffen his neck. He had been doing good so far, so how hard could this be.

"O-okay..." Scott mumbled, feeling hope soar through his chest.

"Great, now that that's over, what do you say to breakfast, hm?" The man said, his irritatingly grotesque grin filled his face again.

Scott's stomach sank with the reminder of the meat in the freezers. The human remains in the freezers. That didn't mean this meal on particular had anything to do with the basement, but that didn't change that he had definitely eaten something meaty last night. He felt his mouth salivate with the anticipation of bile that rose up his throat.

"I-I don't usually eat breakfast..." Scott tried, a couple nervous 'ums' and 'uhs' thrown throughout.

"Don't be silly. You look pale! You need to eat something, my dearest!" The man said, patting Scott's cheek before turning around and walking from the doorway. Scott swallowed down his nausea, attempting to convince himself that there was no way the man would make him eat any meat for breakfast.

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