Chapter 3

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AJ woke first to the smell of pancakes. He looked down at his love, knowing she had a restless night. He never would understand how he got so lucky as to have been chosen by her. He loved her with every fiber of his being. Knowing what all she went through and what they went through together, he marveled at how strong she is.

Kissing her forehead, he slipped out of bed and went to the kitchen to find Kevin standing at the stove, flipping pancakes and Katie cutting up fruit at the counter.

"Morning! Did you sleep well?" Kevin asked.

"Better than Gwen, unfortunately. She was tossing and turning all night."

"I'm sure. With what all you've gone through, it's quite expected." Katie mused.

"I just— I want to do something for her to help her get through this. Maybe a nice romantic dinner or something."

"Yes! I can distract Gwen for a little while so you can get everything set up. Just let me know when!" Katie excitedly said.

"I'll get something set up later today for this coming weekend. Thanks Katie."

"No problem! OH! We can do a spa day! I'll go get all the things we need!" Katie was getting stoked for a girls day.

"I'm going to go check on Gwen. With her having such an ordeal, I don't want her to wake up alone and panic."

AJ went back to their room and saw Gwen still sleeping. He laid down next to her and put his arms around her. She stirred a bit, then opened her eyes.

"Hey Baby." Gwen sleepily slurred.

"Hi Beautiful." Gwen blushed at his words. "Kevin and Katie are making pancakes. Did you want to go eat?"

"Yeah, sounds good. But after this—" She snuggles closer to him and gives him a kiss.

"I know you didn't sleep well. We can eat then go get some essential things at the store, and when we get back you can rest up some more."

"Okay." She sits up and stretches. "Let's go. I am starving."

They head hand in hand into the kitchen.

"Hey Gwen!" Katie says. "I've been thinking, do you want to do a spa day today? Just to have some relaxation?"

"Umm-" Gwen side-eyed AJ, " I guess, yeah. But let's make it later on. After we run to the store, I wanted to try to rest a little longer."

"Of course! Let me know when you're ready. While you are at the store, I'm going to be prepping for it!"

"Thanks Katie. For everything. You too, Kevin. I don't know what we would have done without you guys." Gwen says.

"It's our pleasure!" Kevin smiles. "Now, let's eat!" He sets the plate of pancakes on the table along with many different toppings, and they enjoy a nice breakfast.

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