Chapter 37

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Katie and Gwen got back from their walk and went to their rooms. Gwen threw away the note she left, got ready for bed, and wrote the rest of what happened today in her journal. She thought about what all Katie had said. She knew Katie was right, but it still didn't make her any less cautious.

AJ stirred a bit and woke up. Seeing Gwen at the desk had him concerned. "Another dream?"

"Aah!" Gwen jumped. "Shudge Baby, warn me when you're awake!"

He chuckled. "Sorry, I didn't know you were so deep in thought. Did you have another bad dream?"

She got up and walked to him. "No, I actually went for a walk with Katie. We just got back and I was finishing writing the events of today. I guess I was in my own little world then." She leaned down and kissed him. "I love you."

"I love you. I am sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

"It's fine, I know you didn't." She kissed him again.

They laid down and AJ held Gwen until they fell asleep.

The next thing Gwen knew, she woke up alone. She looked around, not seeing AJ anywhere. "AJ?" She got out of bed. She went into the kitchen and saw him slumped over the table. "Baby? Why don't you come back—" she froze. He wasn't breathing. "AJ? AJ?! Kevin! Katie! Help!"

"No one can help him now." A voice in the dark stated.

Gwen's blood ran cold. No! "Granny."

She came around the corner with her baseball bat in her hand, looking at AJ. "It was easy, killing him. Just one swift blow to the head." She looked towards Gwen. "You should have ran when you had the chance."

How did she know?

"He would have been safer if you had left. He would still be alive. You wouldn't have his blood on your hands."

Gwen's tears blinded her vision. He's gone. He's dead. Because of me. I should have left. He would still be alive, but because of me, he's dead! My husband is dead! Gwen cried out in anguish.

"Now, my child, come with me and your fate won't be the same as his."

"What if I want it to be?"

"My child, surely you wouldn't want that."

"If he's gone, I have nothing to live for. I don't care what happens to me. We'd be together again. Let my fate be the same as his."

Granny started to move towards Gwen, and that's when she saw the clock. She couldn't read the time. "This is a dream." Gwen wiped her tears. "Granny isn't here. This is all a dream." Granny faded away. "AJ is fine. This is all a dream." AJ faded away. "Now all I have to do is wake up." She pinched herself. She didn't feel it. "Wake up Gwen!" She pinched herself again. She still didn't feel anything. "Gwen, wake up!"

She sat up in bed. She pinched herself. It hurt. She was back in reality. She looked over at AJ and sighed a breath of relief when she saw him breathing. She got up and wrote her dream in her journal. Coming back to bed, she looked at AJ again. Maybe I should leave. These dreams must be telling me something. What else could it be than I'm a danger to him? She looked over to the closet where her bag was still packed. I'll leave tomorrow. I'll say I'm going for a walk, set my letter out, and leave. I'm so sorry Baby. I wish there was another way. But knowing I can do this to keep you safe... she took a shaky breath. She left the bedroom and sat down on the couch. As long as she didn't sleep, she would be fine.

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