Chapter 32

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Gwen wakes up to a noise that is familiar, but doesn't place it at first. Wait, a baby crying? Where's the parents? Gwen looks to AJ, who is sound asleep. She gets out of bed and goes to investigate the noise. She walks into a room decorated as a nursery and picks up a crying child out of a crib. She looks around, wondering where the mother is. "You're okay, it's alright. There, there. Just hang on." She looks around more, and doesn't see anything to comfort the baby. "Okay, what about something to eat? Why don't we go get some food." She takes the baby downstairs into the kitchen and looks around. There's an empty bottle and a can of formula on the counter. "Umm, okay..." she reads the instructions and makes the bottle. Giving it to the baby, she sits on the couch with the baby in her arms. She takes a look around. Wait... I'm back home? Why is there a baby here? Who's child is this? She sees something move out of the corner of her eye. Looking up, she calls out. "AJ?" No answer. "Baby, is that you?"

Gwen stands up. She sees a playpen to the side, and sets the now sleeping baby down. She goes towards the living room, not spotting anyone. She goes into the den, still not seeing anyone. Turning around, she looks over at the playpen and notices the baby is gone. How on EARTH are they gone? Where did they go? She heads upstairs to wake AJ. "Baby, we need to—" AJ is not in the bed. "AJ! AJ!" Gwen frantically looks around the room, not seeing her beloved anywhere. She runs out of the bedroom into the hallway, checking the room that was the nursery, but it's a regular spare room now with their spare beds as always. She looks around in confusion.

"Look for a clock."

Gwen heads downstairs and sees the playpen has disappeared as well. She sees something out of the corner of her eye again. She looks over towards the kitchen and doesn't see anything. She keeps going into the kitchen, heading towards the garage. Maybe AJ is out there? She looks in the garage and can't find him. She comes back through the kitchen and heads to the den. She sits at the desk. Hearing another noise, she looks up, and Granny is standing there holding the baby, except now it's a creepy zombie baby! Gwen felt trapped. "AJ!" She shouted earnestly for her love.

Granny laughed. "He won't come to you, my child. Come and give your Granny a kiss on the cheek!"

Gwen ran past them into the dining room. She frantically looked around.

"Look for a clock."

Gwen stopped and looked at a clock. She then thought a moment. I can't read the time. She looked around the room. AJ wouldn't have disappeared or ignored me calling for him. She walked into the kitchen. We shouldn't be in our house. This is a dream! It has to be! Gwen, wake up! Wake up Gwen! Wake up now!

"Gwen, wake up! Wake up Gwen! Wake up now!" AJ was frantically shaking her. She opened her eyes. They were in their room at Kevin and Katie's house. Something or someone was lurking by the bed. Grandpa. AJ was trying to wake her to get her out of there.

"I see you!" Grandpa started towards Gwen, but Gwen dodged him and ran out of the room. AJ was right behind her. She ran downstairs and headed to the kitchen to get out through the back door. She turned to make sure AJ was right behind her, but saw a terrifying sight instead. AJ had a knife held to his throat by Granny who was smirking and holding him. He was bound and gagged. She had never seen such a terrified look in his eyes. Her breath hitched. "AJ..." she whispered. "What do you want?" Gwen looked at Granny, willing to bargain and give her life for his. AJ shook his head. He knew what she was thinking.

"I just want to spend time with my lovely granddaughter." Granny crooned out.

"Take me. Untie him, let him go, and never bother him again, and I will go with you." Gwen had tears running down her cheek.

AJ was shaking his head to her, tears welling up in his eyes. He was trying to tell her not to, but he was too muffled.

As long as he's safe, I don't care what happens to me. She closed her eyes. Baby, I'm so sorry. I just need to know you're safe. If that means going with them, then so be it. This is the only way I can protect you. I love you.

Gwen opened her eyes and Granny looked at her. AJ was now untied and ran towards her. "Gwen, please don't do this. I can't live without you beside me. We are supposed to do this life together! I can't survive without you. I love you too much, please don't do this!" They both had tears running down their cheeks.

"Baby, you know if there was another way, I'd do it. I'm so sorry. I know you'll be safe this way." She kissed him. "I love you."

"No! Gwen! Gwen!" AJ was shouting as Gwen was dragged away by Granny.

Gwen shot up in her bed. She looked around and saw the clock read 2:37 am. AJ was laying next to her. She pinched herself. It hurt. She was back in reality. She got out of bed and walked over to the desk, sat down, and wrote her latest two dreams in there. Sighing after she was finished, she closed the notebook and crawled next to AJ. He woke slightly, and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her temple. They both drifted back to sleep.

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