Chapter 57

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When they woke up the next morning, Gwen still wasn't feeling much better. She was still scared of what would happen.

"Honey, you've been awfully quiet. Are you okay?"

"I— umm..." Just tell him. You can talk to a nurse together. Gwen sighed and looked at her lap. "I'm scared for when we go home. I mean to our home. I won't have any help. If something happens to you again, I'd be alone and I'm not sure if I could handle it."

"Oh, Honey, is that what's been bothering you lately?" She nodded. "Love, please look at me." She looked up. He took her hands in his. "I have nothing but the utmost confidence in you to take care of me if something were to happen. We can talk over your fears with a nurse to make sure you're prepared though if that'd make you feel better. I was also thinking of having something non-perishable on my nightstand that way I wouldn't have to go all the way to the kitchen if I had another night like that. Just keep some things of what I would need next to me."

"Okay." She quietly acknowledged. He looked at her closer.

"You had another nightmare last night, didn't you?" She nodded. "Do you want to tell me about it?" She looked at her journal, decided to just tell him instead of having him read it, and recounted the nightmare to him.

"I figured it was a dream when they were not responding to me, but it was still terrifying to see you there and have them cover you up." Tears were falling down her cheeks.

AJ pulled her in for a hug. "Hey, it's okay, I'm right here. Let it out. It's okay." He was rubbing her back while she cried. Once she calmed down, she sat back.

"Ugh, I feel like I'm always falling apart around you. I'm sorry."

"Honey, with what all you've been through, it's amazing that you aren't emotional more."

She looked down. "I still feel like I'm too emotional."

"Love, you need to realize how strong you are and how wonderful you are. You have been through more than most will go through in their lifetime. You should stop short-changing yourself and know how spectacular you are. I love you so much and I am amazed at how you have gone through so much, but yet have persevered physically and mentally through all that has happened."

She smiled at him. "You always know what to say, Baby. Thank you. I love you too." She leaned in to kiss him.

A few minutes later, the nurse arrived with discharge papers. Gwen and AJ went over what all to do should this happen again, the best diet to follow, and the best snacks to have if he's feeling low. Katie came to the room at the end of the conversation.

"Someone call for a taxi?" She grinned and laughed. "Alright, we're busting out of here! Disneyland, here we come! I'm kidding, I know you want to rest. We are going straight home and I would suggest any and all communication should stop across the board. Of course tell your parents and siblings as you see fit, but return to the silence as soon as possible."

"Captain Katie has spoken. Don't disobey her." Gwen smirked at Katie.

"Yeah... Captain Katie... it has a nice ring to it! Now, hop to it soldier!" Gwen giggled and helped AJ into the mandatory wheelchair ride to the entrance.

They arrived at Katie and Kevin's house and got a little something to eat, then went back into their bedroom to rest. Neither AJ or Gwen slept a lot in the hospital the night before, so they quickly were asleep.

For the first time in a long time, Gwen woke after an hour without having any nightmares she could recall. She smiled to herself. She snuggled closer to her beloved and fell back asleep when he wrapped his arms around her.

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