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Zhan was very thankful, maybe in this life the old man is his guardian angel, not only did he stop jin han from disturbing him, he didn't waste time to come and help him when he was about to fall down to his death, he doesn't know what he could do to repay such a person who is always there to offer a helping hand whenever he is in trouble.

"Mom dad, why are you two whispering?" Zhan who sat down on bed no longer feeling weak or having stomach pains like before just a dull pain on his bandaged hand asked, zhan mom and dad immediately stopped and rushed towards the seated xiao zhan.

"How are you feeling now? Is your stomach still hurting?" Zhan mom asked, zhan smiled and lifted his hand to pat his stomach but his hand was held by his tensed dad.

"What are you trying to do? Do you want to punch your stomach at this time!" Zhan dad asked, zhan was surprised.

"Who said iam punching my stomach? Daddy mommy don't worry iam perfectly fine, i was just scared before but now i feel strong and healthy just like before, it's time to go home now." Zhan answered, zhan dad and mom watched closely and they calmed down after confirming that xiao zhan is really okay.

"Baby do you have anything to tell mommy and daddy? Don't worry we are understanding and we will support you, don't be afraid." Zhan mom asked, zhan dad nodded his head, zhan mom and dad thought xiao zhan must be aware of the pregnancy and kept it a secret since he was scared to tell them.

Zhan looked at his dad and mom somehow confused, but he guessed maybe they want to know about ni mantian.

"You don't have to worry about that girl, she is jealous because of jin han, but i have already broken up with jin han long time ago, that girl is just acting crazy." Zhan reassured, but seeing his dad and mom looking at him like he hasn't answered what they have asked got even more confused.

"Now what is it? I really said the truth, iam not lying, you know i have always been honest." Zhan added, mrs xiao secretly rolled her eyes, be honest? This brat got eaten and lied to him without blinking his eye's that he fell down in the toilet and was bitten by mosquto!.

"Baby it's not about that, but that." Zhan dad pointed at xiao zhan stomach, zhan wondered what was happening, he knows he is having a slightly big belly like those old men, but he didn't expect his parent's could really care of him having a big belly! They really couldn't hate him for this right? Zhan eyes reddened and he hiccuped.

"Don't you like me anymore just because i have a big belly? I also don't know why my stomach has become like this, i promise to exercise and not over eat anymore." Zhan said in tears, zhan mom and dad sighed, it looks like their son has no idea of his pregnancy and was even thinking of going to the gym because he thought he was becoming fat.

"Baby don't cry, we will never hate you no matter how fat or thin you will become, we will love our only baby forever and never abandoned you." Zhan mom coaxed the crying xiao zhan who immediately stopped crying and hid his face in embarrassment, why did he suddenly cry? He is no longer a kid for him to cry just because he thought his parent's will start disliking him, he even cried infront of his dad and mom which is really so embarrassing.

"Baby actually the doctor said your two month's pregnant we thought you knew that's why we asked." Zhan dad who didn't want to hide it anymore said, zhan whole body froze.

"Two months what!" Zhan shouted in disbelief, he must have heard it wrong.

"Two months pregnant."

"Impossible! I can't be pregnant! It can't be! Iam a man how can i be pregnant!" Zhan refused to believe, even if he is a bottom gay, he has never dreamt or imagined himself being pregnant and having a child, this is something that is so unexpectant.

"Baby that's the truth, you have the ability to conceive just like women." Zhan dad told xiao zhan who shook his head nonstop, he can't be pregnant!.

"Dad the doctor must be wrong, i think it is a tumor or maybe fats because i have been over eating! I can't be pregnant and i will never be pregnant!" Zhan shouted and ran out of the room, wang yibo who was standing outside the room and heard xiao zhan words clenched his hands into a fist and didn't follow xiao zhan who ran away, he was really excited when he heard xiao zhan was actually pregnant, he was excited because he is going to be a dad and the person he is going to give birth to the baby is the person he actually likes and is determined to win him over and marry him.

But he seems to have thought too much and was blinded by happiness, he never thought the most important thing and that is if xiao zhan could accept the fact that he is pregnant and will keep the baby, it looks like xiao zhan doesn't accept the fact that he is pregnant and he seems not to like kids or be pregnant, he didn't take the news of the pregnancy so well, now that xiao zhan doesn't like the kid does it mean that he will have an abortion and kill the baby? Yibo was really sad angry and so disappointed, he really wanted the baby.

But then he has no power to force xiao zhan to keep the baby if xiao zhan himself doesn't want to keep the baby, zhan is the one to make the decision whether he will keep the baby or not, yibo walked away slowly and you could clearly see that he is not ok.

Zhan last stop was at his best friend apartment, zhan knocked at the door, lu bai who was preparing himself to sleep was surprised wondering who it was that was banging at his door at this time when people should be at their places preparing to sleep.

Lu bai opened the door and was surprised when he saw xiao zhan, before he could speak zhan rushed inside, lu bai closed the door and followed xiao zhan who was rushing to the kitchen and the next second he saw xiao zhan taking out a bottle of alcohol, lu bai immediately stopped xiao zhan from drinking, he is confused why xiao zhan suddenly want to drink alcohol.

"Let me go! Give me the bottle, let me drink!" Zhan shouted while trying to take the bottle of alcohol from lu bai.

"You have to tell me what's happening? I can't just let you drink alcohol without knowing the reason." Lu bai answered.

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