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"Yes i want to get back at you so what?  I got close to your dad, made sure i will carry his future heir! Remember your just an adopted child and i will make sure to destroy everything that you've worked for, right now iam your little dad, so you should be careful with your word's, seeing you miserable  is my happiness." Zhan answered without stuttering.

"You! I admit that i didn't treat you well when we were together before, but i never did anything to harm you! Tell me why are you doing this? Why do you hate me so much?" Jin han though he was still angry he couldn't understand why xiao zhan hated him so much and he could tell that he hates him so much like he has committed something so unforgivable.

Zhan eye's turned red, he still remembers how jin han and ni mantian talked how they killed his parent's in his last life, how he was an idiot not to see that he was never loved but was just playing with him so that he could take his family property and pave way for his success in future, now thinking about it it looks like jin han wanted to get the wangs property too, such an ambitious and greedy man who killed his parent's, falsely imprisoned his best friend and ended up killing him too after knowing the truth, how could he let it go? Even if in this life he will end up committing the same bad thing's he did in his previous life.

He won't just let it go because in this life he stayed away from him, he is going to destroy jin han life, he is not going to forgive anyone who did him bad, he is going to revenge.

"Jin han you bastard i hate you! I hate you so much! You watch me destroy your life! You will wish to die but i won't let you so easily! Iam carrying wang yibo child now, so the chance of you becoming the heir is gone, you should start packing your luggage and leave, you have no life here." Xiao zhan who almost lost control said, wiped his tears away and turned around to leave, he really don't know what to say but he is sure not let jin han get anything from wang yibo.

"Stop right there, i haven't finished talking to you yet." Jin han grabbed xiao zhan hand and pushed him back, zhan yelped protecting his stomach, luckily he landed on the soft couch he was seated before, but then the next second he felt someone's on top of him, zhan knows who it was because at this place it was only him and jin han.

"You want to destroy my life! I have endured your terrible behaviour! I was waiting for this chance for us two to be alone, i would love to see if my adoptive dad will love you after i kill your child and completely destroy your womb! In this life you will never have a child who will threaten my chance of inheriting my property!" Jin  han who was sitting directly on xiao zhan stomach shouted.

Zhan panicked, the manor is so big and it's not so easy for someone to hear someone shouting or coming to where he was, since zhan wanted a place to rest, he had yibo bring him to a place where there was no disturbance. But now he is regretting this, it looks like whenever he meets the people who killed him they will always think of destroying his life, now because of provoking jin han he is about to lose his baby and another chance of having a baby, if he will not fight then the only little treasure that will keep him company in this life will be gone too.

"Get off me! I won't let you kill my baby! You want to force me drink something i don't know! Continue dreaming! If wang yibo knew what you did, then forget about inheriting the wang property!" Zhan shouted and wanted to hit jin han but was easily restrained by jin han who had a killing aura all over his body.

"Then i will kill you, dispose of your body and you will never be found!" Jin han shouted and grabbed xiao zhan neck with the aim of strangling xiao zhan to death, zhan slapped jin han hands and even scratched his hands, but all his struggles failed and his body started getting limp.

Wang yibo went to check on xiao zhan after half an hour, he might fall asleep because of the cool weather and fall down hurting himself and even their unborn baby, yibo smile dissapeared and he immediately rushed towards xiao zhan and jin han, kicking jin han away not caring where he landed, yibo rushed towards xiao zhan, luckily xiao zhan was okay and nothing major happened  but was very shaken apart from the  scary red imprints around xiao zhan neck.

Yibo looked at jin han who fell not far from his dad who was seated on his wheelchair who was also coming to see xiao zhan, yibo rushed towards jin han, roughly grabbing him by his collar, he punched him directly on his face.

Mr Wang:"Someone stop him he is going to kill him, wang yibo stop it! Calm down!"

The butler called the family  doctor to come while staying beside the scared xiao zhan so that he could calm down, the bodyguards who saw wang yibo beating jin han with the aim of killing him followed mr Wang's instructions and subdued the crazy wang yibo, jin han who was seriously beaten by wang yibo and couldn't even move, one of  the bodyguards hit yibo at the back of his neck making him to lose consciousness.

Mr Wang went to check on xiao zhan who was hugging the butler tightly, though he is not sure what has happened, but one thing for sure whatever jin han did has really affected xiao zhan and angered wang yibo who has never acted out before, the doctor came checked on xiao zhan and chose to sedate him, jin han was seriously injured and had to be taken to the hospital for immediate treatment.

"Master don't be so worried, we all didn't expect jin han will try to kill xiao zhan, luckily young master arrived on time and stopped it." The butler said while watching the replay of the video from time to time still not believing what he just saw,  jin han has always been good and has never shown any sign of being able to kill someone, but today he really showed another side of him which was scary, he went as far as trying to kill xiao zhan who is pregnant.

"I didn't expect the boy we took in and even had my son adopt him as his own child will try to kill  just because of wealth." Mr wang answered, was he wrong when he accepted to return a favour from a good Samaritan who helped him?.

REBIRTH (HAVE A GOOD ENDING)✅☑️Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu