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🌸A sister is like the shadow of your mother who knows every inch of you . 🌸

Mahabharat kaal:
The whole kingdom celebrated the birth of their heirs. Grand festival were held. Cheers, laughter filled the air.

Meanwhile, a question struck the Rajguru . While the reason behind the elder two siblings were pretty clear but the reason youngest was yet to be understood. Her horoscope was completely messed up. It was impossible to conclude.

Homini had herself chosen a purpose for herself. She wanted to be like her didi. Her didi was the most precious person to her. She preached her like goddess. Since morning, she would follow her around like a lost puppy and bombard her with questions at every possible chance. Both the sisters cherished this time spent together.

After a long period of thinking the Rajguru decided to test the youngest princess. His decision revealed a lot but it also raised a sea of new questions.

Present day:
By the end of the interview, the three interviewers looked like tridevi to Shivam, all descended at same time to destroy him. He was sure he is going to lose this job.

Phoenix is a business with a wide variety of successful female products. Phoenix wasn't small and it must have a great system for it to show such progress in such a short time. Getting a job here was like finding a needle in haystack.

The last question rolled in.
What is a advice you hold close?

He thought for a moment and said,

Doubting mind achieves nothing- Doubting the 'absolute truth' or a greater force at work is the main reason why many people lead unhappy lives.
My mother read this to me from the Gita and this advice has stick with me for my whole life.

With the end of the interview, the interviewers shared a look and one of them said,

We are sorry, Mr. Shivam. Although you are qualified for the job but you lack experience and this post might not be the best one for you and the company.

He replied formally with a forced smile .
I understand.

He started to collect his resume and place them back in the file. But he stopped in the middle after hearing,

But seeing your qualifications and your potential we would like to offer you another job. Although it is different from the one you were applying for.
Would you like to take up the position of P. A. of one of the CEOs?

He looked up in surprise.

You don't have to reply immediately, please respond to us by the next week. So we can arrange your training accordingly.

All he could do was give a firm nod and smiled before he left.

He could be the one we need. Quick inform the boss. Send someone to find more about him.

Someone whisped from an empty room within the building.

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