CHAPTER7:D-Day part-1

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Present time:
Standing infornt of the mirror of his new apartment, Shivam questioned everything that has happened in the last two months. He left his hometown, his job, his only two friends and most importantly his home. 'Home' which he cherished a lot. Although his maa was with him here but the emptiness he felt was unusual. The memories of his baba lingered at home and this isn't HIS home.

He closed his eyes, recollecting the outline of his father's profile, which has blurred a bit with time but what remains is the reminiscences of his love, care, warmth and his words. He would never leave the house which his baba turned into home. But he had to do it, so he could give his maa everything she deserves, a better lifestyle , proper medical care and happiness. Even if it was hard it was necessary.

He sadly smiled thinking, baba would be so proud of me if he was alive today . One thought lead to other and the memory of the day he passed away resurfaced giving him chills down his spine. That was something he wished he could forget but it just terrorized him more and more. It has taken a troll on him mentally which couldn't heal because of his wicked relatives. All these messed up his feelings and emotions beyond the level of sorting and so he decided to burry them deep down and never letting them out again. He would rather not have emotions than get hurt for having them.

He opened his eyes, feeling a warm hand on his back. It was maa. She kindly smiled and looked at me with all the love in this world. Her almond shaped eyes glistening and tender, tho will her older age and tough past their shine has reduced but they were brighter than ever due to the pride she took in her son. She was the sweetest person he has ever seen. Even after meeting every kind of person in her life, she somehow still managed to be kind and doting to everyone. She was one strong woman and Shivam respected that a lot.

She stroked his back lightly before saying,
I know it is tough for you and you can always leave this and go back if you want. You don't have to do this. For me what matters the most is your happiness and if your happiness lies down somewhere else, do that.

She was worried that he wasn't doing this job willingly and it was difficult to know what was in his mind as he rarely let her know about it.

He bowed down touching her feet. She caressed his dark black hair, knowing very well he isn't going to listen. Standing straight he looked in her eyes saying,
Maa, I am doing this with my free will. Don't worry, I am happy.

He tried to put out his best smile, in an attempt to convince her. But maa just pulled his ear, jokingly

Do I look like your colleagues your using that smile on me?
She merrily laughed when he stuck out his tongue after being caught. They shared a laugh together as he left the apartment heading to his new office. Maa saw his tall , slim figure ride away on his bike from the gallery.

Shivam was tall thanks to his love for basketball , but he was slightly skinny and muscular due to playing tennis with his two friends. He rode to office on his Honda CB 350 which roared on his command as he speeded his way on the roads of Mumbai.

No doubt the Phoenix group was enormous. Every employee would get a apartment in one of the most facilitated region; hospital, school and many other things were in their reach of minimum 30mins , making it the best resident in a city like Mumbai. They made sure their employees were happy while working.This might be one of the many reasons they have grown from a small business to such a big group in the bare span of 10 years . The working hours were lesser giving one time to spend on family, friends or self care. And much more. All so more reasons to work under it.

He reached the destination, parked his bike and stopped at the door breathing deeply before stepping in

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He reached the destination, parked his bike and stopped at the door breathing deeply before stepping in.

They say- first impression is the last impression

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They say- first impression is the last impression. The pressure to make a good impression on first day was a lot on Shivam, he found it difficult to approach someone. At his previous job it was easier as he had a schoolfriend there but here he was alone.

But what happened was totally opposite of his expectation. Everyone who walk past him, gave smiles and small morning greetings, some even wished him luck for his first day after noticing him being new. Not everyone was like this but most of them where friendly. The working environment here felt genuine and welcoming.

The reception asked him to wait for the previous P.A. who would be training him before he takes charge. The wait wasn't long, at maximum it was 10 mins.

A tall handsome man, probably in this early 30's , approached Shivam as he sat in the waiting area and introduced himself,
Morning! I am Harshit and you must be Shivam .
Shivam nodded while getting up from his seat and they both shook hands .They had a small talk before Harshit suggested showing him the complete office.

The working space was enormous yet it was beautiful with modern interior but the most interesting part of the office tour were the 'viewing rooms' and the 'board'. The company wanted to give every employee a glimpse of how the discussion taking meeting are carried out. So, evey floor consisted of a viewing room which live telecasted every important meeting. And before every such meeting, boards are placed out for everyone to give suggestions or ideas. This way each individual would feel included and know that their opinions are valued and welcomed. Plus, anyone who wish to learn about business can be benefited from this.

The tour ended with them, together reaching the CEO's office. They both walked in only to notice no one was there.A few minutes in, Harshit excused himself to bring a file, leaving Shivam alone.

Shivam glanced around the office but suddenly freezed on hearing a pair of heels click

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Shivam glanced around the office but suddenly freezed on hearing a pair of heels click. The sound was clear and it was approaching the office door. Everything fell dead silent around him, the room quickly became cold and the air had thick tension in it, almost making it difficult to breathe. With the every click of heel he could feel his heart going wild and fast. A shiver rushed down his spine and goosebumps followed by it . He was in cold sweat when a figure reached the door and a sudden wave a unbearable pain drowned his heart deep down. It was like suffering the grief he felt as a child but it was multiple times more.

Someone rushing to him was the last thing he saw before he blacked out.

Hello guys! ☺It's me again. This was a tough chapter to write. I wasn't sure how much emotions I could convey through my writing, so I kept rewriting it multiple times 🥲.
Let me know how you feel about this part-1 and let's meet in the next part .
Till then, Adios👋👋.

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