CHAPTER6: Shri Hari

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Dwapar yug:
A visitor? His attire gave the impression of him being an authoritative figure. Tall with long arms and skin which appers to be reflecting the night sky. Arms bulky like giant pillars and shoulders as broad as hallways.

He looked nothing more than Godly with those expressive eyes , splendid as the blue lotus. Those orbs could hold the universe in them. A high handsome nose and a charming smile, which gave glimpse of pearl white teeth. His dark black curly locks framed his striking lotus face in way it could put a million moons to shame.

Just gazing at his face made me feel blissful? Calm? Excited? Euphoric? Or maybe it's a mix of all of them. But most importantly my heart felt warm and fussy, just like laying my head in jiji's lap at the end of a long day.

Wait...... Jiji!..She was crying.

Realizations hitting her hard , she checked around for her but she wasn't there. I have to find her. I turned around after quick bowing and headed to her room.
The only words I heard before bolting away were,

Pramaan Vasudev!

I searched around but no results. It's almost noon and she is nowhere, is she alright? I sighed as I entered the garden. The garden was huge and lush with every type of plant possibly found; some rare, some common, few beared fruits while others bloomed flowers.

The midday sun, shined bright and hot. If I have to find her here it will take a lot of time ,plus it's hot I will easily get tired . What should I do?

Glancing at the big banyan tree, an idea popped up. I have climbed it before and might be able to do it again. And it will surely give a great view of the complete garden. With the spirit of a squirrel I started to climb it. The initial few steps were good but I missed one and slipped. I came down crashing on my bottom.

My fall made someone crack up, cause there was a audible laugh in the rather quite garden. This is embarrassing. On a different note, the laugh was deep velvety and pleasing, which rises the question whom does it belongs to?

The question was answered immediately. It is the visitor or should I say Vasudev?

My apologies, young princess. I just couldn't hold my laughter back.

He chuckled while giving me a hand up.

Princess, may I ask something? This is really tickling my curiosity.

I nodded looking up towards him. God, he is so tall. Although I am a young teenage and still in my growing stage but still his height stood out a lot.

Why were you climbing a tree on such a hot day?

The garden is huge and trying to find Jiji here will take a lots of time. So I thought searching up from the tree will be easier.

I explained it.

Hmmmm. Good idea but why are you finding her here? She is with your father in his chamber.

He said it with a mischievous smile while tilting his head.

Huh, how do you know that?

Why would she be there?

I just saw her on my way here. Go ahead you will find her there.
I know. You may ask were is the part 2 of aesthetic and the book covers? You are gonna get them soon.
I am going to upload book covers in next 15 minutes. So, let's see which one will be choosen. 🧐

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