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17 years old

one week later, in Los Angeles, California. 

I graze my fingers along his cheek bone, touching the silkiness of his curly hair. He shuts his eyes and I watch the gesture with admiration.

When his eyes open again, they look honest and he holds my hand to his face, "I want it to alway be like this."

I smile with a gleam in my eyes, "If only we could get secretly married and run to the end of the world." I laugh.

At that his face goes a bit serious, "You know, I would do it if you asked. I would run my whole life if it meant being with you"

"I know, but," I whisper with a frown, letting my voice trail off with unspoken words.

His eyes soften and he gently touches his fingers to the corner of my lips, "Yeah but promise me one thing," His eyes meet mine, "you'll never give up on us."

"promise." I whisper with an amused gleam.

He kisses me and is eager. I thread my hands through his hair and our bodies fit into the curve of each other as if we were meant to be. I let myself forget about the mafia and all my problems. I let myself forget my endless worry and stress.

We kiss and I forget everything. Until. All. I. Remember. Is. Him. 

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