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24 years old.

Present day, in Tokyo, Japan

"Be nice to him." I say in a low voice to Isamu, who follows me into the other room.

"Who?" He asks.

"You're son. Who else?" I say, glancing at him behind me.

He shrugs, his hands in his pockets. And it's the most normal thing it almost shocks me. I blink, turning forward.

Just then, Haru runs up to Isamu, hugging his leg, "Papa!" he shouts.

Isamu seems a little shocked, and stiffens. I smile into my hand. He gave me a questioning look, "I don't find it funny."

I put down my hand, crossing my arms,"Oh, I know. But I do."

Haru is still hugging Isamus' leg. And although He had protested, Isamu relaxed, patting Harus head. And the little boy beamed up at his father.

Haru grabs Isamus' hand, pulling him towards his toys. There were also books open on the floor. He'd probably been studying, his reading was impeccable for his age.

I watch the interaction, feeling nervous because Isamu has never been good with kids. He towers over Haru, hands in his pockets, and he would look intimidating to any other kid. But all Haru sees is his father, finally visiting him and he just continues to flip through his book, telling Isamu what he's learned. Then Haru starts to tell his father the names of his toys. Isamu stands there, listening.

I had asked Isamu to come and see Haru. Okay, 'ask' is maybe too nice of a word to use. More like 'threatened'. He hadn't seen Haru in 2 months so I may have been a bit harsh.

It's an hour later when Isamu gets a call, he walks away from Haru without saying anything, taking the call.

"Papa?" Haru sounds confused and a little scared.

My eyes widened and I hurries over to him, "Don't worry, Papa probably just got called into work."

I ruffle his hair before hurrying after Isamu. When I caught up to him, he had walked all the way to the front door, I said, "why would you do that?"

He doesn't look back, "I have business to take care of," Putting his hand on the door knob.

I run my hands through my hair, "you are a horrible father," he pauses as I continue, "you couldn't hang out with him for just a little bit longer? You haven't seen him in two months."

His hand is still on the door knob, "you forced me to come."

"You know damn well I can't force you to do shit." I exhale a breath, "And I know your pride is too big for you to just show up." He opens the door and I say, "just please, hangout with him for a little longer."

His voice is cold when he says, "Like I said. I have business to take care of." And he slams the door in my face.

I let out a frustrated sigh, whirling around and heading back towards the living room. When I get there Akasuki is playing with Haru and Harus smiling again. The worry was no longer on his face. I sigh with relief, leaning against the frame of the door. Akasuki makes Haru laugh, as I watch the interaction, a feeling surfacing in me.

Just then Akasuki looks up and our eyes meet. I hold my breath as we just stare at each other but then he looks back down to Haru, who looks up at him with admiration.

I let out my breath, staring at him longer than I should.

"What am I doing?" I mutter, looking away. 

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