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22 years old

2 years later, in Tokyo, Japan.

Iʻve been clean of drugs for a few years now. Sometimes Iʻll drink alcohol but not too much to the point Iʻll be drunk. Lyn has lived with Isamu for a year and a half. I would have tried to push harder for lyn to live with me if it hadnʻt been for what I saw when Isamu met baby Haru for the first time. He thought no one was there but I was.

Isamu looks down at the baby and his face is blank. He reaches down to the baby and hesitates.

He had barged in this afternoon wanting to see him. The baby laughed, pulling on Isamus' finger and Isamu smiled a little. It's the smallest smile but it's there.

He kneels down at the edge of the bed that the baby is laying on. Haru reaches out to Isamu and he brings his face closer.

Harus' baby hand comes to Isamus' face and just lays there on his cheek. He smiles, a baby smile, and says a bunch of gibberish.

Isamu sucks in a breath and puts his hand over the babys hand.

He smiles an almost real smile and laughs a bit.

So when Isamu had stated that Lyn and Haru would live with him, I barely put effort into disagreeing. Lyn had seemed a bit annoyed but happy. I visit them all the time but I barely see Isamu.

It doesnʻt matter though because today is baby Harus birthday. And I wonʻt let anything ruin it.

Knocking on the door, Lyn opens it with a smile, holding a 2 year old Haru on her side. I smile, holding up a bag, " I brought gifts!"

Lyn rolls her eyes playfully, "you always bring gifts."

I boop haru on the nose, he laughs, trying to form the words ʻaunty Yazʻ. I laugh a little looking at Lyn, "yes but today is a special gift!" I walk in, placing the gift on the table and Lyn follows me.

She places him on a play mat, "can you watch him? Iʻm going to get his dad."

I nod going over to Haru and I lay next to where he sits. My head in my palms as he shouts, "Aunty Yaz," then laughs and starts playing with a toy I bought him not too long ago.

I smile and he rubs his hand on the top of my head as if heʻs trying to ruffle my hair. I let out a surprised breath. He reminds me of Haru a lot of the time. Which is odd since Haru isnʻt his father.

Last year he was crying and me and Lyn didnʻt know what to do so I tried playing music and baby haru was very fond of britney spears because he laughed when it came on and stopped crying.

Haru starts humming as he plays with his toy and I start asking him what he named them. He answers in a mixture of gibberish and japanese and I smile when he trys to tell me a story about them. And when I go to stand up and my phone falls out of my pocket, he trys to pick it up and give it to me. Heʻs sweet. Nothing like his father.

Lyn comes down the stair with an annoyed look, "He says heʻs busy."

I narrow my eyes up the stairs and Lyn sees the look on my face. Before I can say anything she shakes her, "donʻt bother."

I let out an exasperated sigh and picked Haru up, he was holding his arms out to me. Walking over to Lyn, "you know, my offer still stands."

She shakes her head again and starts to prepare baby food for Haru, "you say that every time youʻre here."

I give Haru a teething toy and he starts to bite on it, "because you donʻt deserve to be treated like," I block my mouth from Haru and whisper, "shit."

"What? And you do?" She says, looking up sharply. "I donʻt think you understand that Isamu is Haruʻs father and he needs him." She lets out a breath, both hands gripping the counter, "I need him."

I blink at the anger and vulnerability in her voice, "you love him?"

"Yes," she whispers, shutting her eyes.

They had gotten married. Of course she loved him.

Something bitter bubbles in me but I shove it down with the rest of those emotions. "Look, Iʻm sorry. If you want me to stop bringing it up, I will, but you need to know that my home is always open to you and Haru. Always. And it might be safer."

Lyn laughs, continuing to prepare the food, "you want me to move from one mafia boss's house to another because it would be safer?"

I mock offense, putting my other hand to my chest, "I am not a mafia boss!"

She lifts an eyebrow, " really? So youʻre not the one who does all the paperwork, makes the phone calls, and gives the orders?"

I narrow my eyes, "you are such a," I whisper to her, "asshole."

Just then Haru shouts the words in his baby voice and me and Lyn look at eachother with wide eyes. Lyn breaks into laughter and I start to laugh, covering my mouth.

"Gosh, I wonder who taught him that," I try to say in a seriou voice. Lyn just laughs harder and now even Harus laughs.

I smile and I think I could stay content in this moment for a long time.

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