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20 years old.

Two weeks later, in Tokyo, Japan.

The plan mostly worked. Yaz and Jasmine got on the boat and at the end of the day were presumed dead. But there was one problem. Levi never made it onto the boat. I don't know why but the black eye he has says it had something to do with our father.

I've always known my father was a horrible person and an even more horrible father but he was my father. So even if I don't like him or I agree with the things he does or says some part of me will always love him. It's something most people would hate but I've come to terms with it. It may make me fucked up.

We watch as the empty caskets, lower into the graves. There were many people before, paying their respect. Most were Kishimotos, some weren't. But all of them were gone now and it was just me, my father, and Levi.

My father stood in front of the grave, staring. Levi stood next to me, his face streaked with tears and anger.

They're alive. I wanted to tell him. They wanted you to go with them! They'll be happier in the states. I wanted to shout but I didn't dare.

My face was carefully blank, not wanting to reveal any betrayal of what I did. I feel Levi look towards me, with such anger. He must resent me for not being as sad as him.

Go! I had told Yaz when she called, I'll protect him! I promise!

His mouth is in a line when he looks at our father. He was only a few inches shorter than me.

"Leave," Our fathers harsh voice sounded.

Levi stormed away and I walked after him, wondering what my father was doing. He never loved Yaz; it had always been obvious. I hide behind another grave just to listen to what he says, "So this is it?" He speaks, "This is how it ends, huh?"

He picks up dirt from the floor and sprinkles it over her casket. "I always thought it would be me." he dusts off his hands, "Maybe it should have been." He said, shrugging, looking like he couldn't care less.

But years later when I'd come to replace the flowers that had withered. I saw him there. Standing over Yaz's grave, "I'm sorry, Yaz." He had said, placing the flowers on her grave, "You don't know how sorry I am."

And when I saw his face there were real tears falling from his eyes.

The end. 

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