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27 years old.

3 months later, in Tokyo, Japan.

Me and Yaz had been laying in bed when the knock at the door had sounded. Levi, Yaz's nine month old baby, and Haru had been sleeping between us. And when the knock had come, they hadn't even stirred in their slumber

Yaz had named her baby boy after my brother and I think that was the moment I realized that I loved her. Or maybe the moment I realized was when I had first witnessed the way she took care of Haru as if he were her own. Or how strong she's always been when the world had felt like it was against her.

I love you.

She had said when we were in bed, her boys were lying between us. She was pregnant again. She had been for a while now and when she had told me I felt as if I loved her even more.

I love you.

The person at the door was Toru and when I saw his expression I had walked out into the hall shutting the door behind me. Yaz hadn't said much when I left the bed as if she was disappointed that our moment had been interrupted.

I promised that I would make it up to her later.

"What is it?" I asked him, crossing my arms.

At first glance Toru looked angry but when I looked closer he seemed more worried than anything, "the boss wants you to meet him at a private bar," He runs his hands through his hair, stress radiating from him, "He wouldn't tell me why."

My brows furrow as I walk to my room, getting my keys, "send me the location."

Toru follows me, "Akasuki, listen," When I continue to walk towards the stairs he grabs me by the shoulder, "I think he knows."

I lift a brow, his hands grip my shoulders tighter, "Knows what?"

He shakes me, his stress making me more alert, "About you and Yaz." When I don't have much of a reaction, he makes a frustrated noise, "He's not happy about it, Akasuki."

I try to shake him off but he doesn't move, "I wouldn't expect him to be."

He looks like he wants to punch me in the face when he says, "You don't understand. Mr. Yama is strategic with the things he wants." He grits out, "I wouldn't have thought anything about him wanting to see you if it hadn't been for the tip off one of his men gave me."

I finally shake him off and he follows me down the stairs, "get to the point."

"I think he wants you dead." I open the front door and he follows me to my car, "It's dangerous if you go."

I shake my head, getting in, "It's dangerous if I don't." I say slamming the door.

He bangs on the window and I roll it down, "Just," He places his hand on my shoulder, squeezing gently, worry in his eyes, "please, be careful. For the sake of Yaz and your unborn baby."

I put my hand over his, giving a sharp nod, "Of course."

I start the car and Toru backs away as I drive to the bar.

When I get there the bar is empty other than Isamu sitting at a booth. He's eating a bowl of something, a cup of alcohol, sitting next to him on the table. I slide into the booth and he doesn't look up.

"What did you want from me, sir?" I ask, cooly, my voice not betraying anything.

He sits back, wiping his mouth with a napkin, throwing it down on the table, "I don't like you," He starts, "but you're one of my best men. So I'll give you one chance." He says, lifting his index finger.

"One chance?" I echo, raising an eyebrow, sitting back with my arms crossed.

He nods, placing his elbows on the table then leaning forward, "You can leave here. Pack your things and I'll get you on a jet to the U.S. I have something that needs to be done there."

"And?" I ask.

He shakes his head, gesturing in the air, "That's it. You do that and I'll forget whatever wrong you've done to me. That's your chance."

I shake my head, "I've done no wrong and what about Yaz?" He stops me, filling a class of whatever alcohol he'd been drinking, and sliding it over to me, across the table.

"I have a plan for her and I need you out of the way." He says, simply. Raising his own glass to his mouth, looking at me over the rim.

"And what if I don't?" I click my tongue, "Get out of the way I mean." I lean forward, elbows resting on the table, "What will you do? Kill me?"

He slams his glass down on the table suddenly, almost startling me. Leaning forward with a dark gleam in his eyes, "I won't kill you. I'm not an idiot. Yazlin would never follow through with my plan if she thought I killed you."

Shaking my head, I lean back, "You really think I'd do that? Leave without saying anything." I scoff, "You really think I like working for you that fucking much?"

Isamu snaps his finger, a man I hadn't seen before walks out with a coat and a cigar with a lighter in his hands, giving them to Isamu as he stands. "I know everything," Isamu says, shrugging on his coat. "I know you and Yazlin have been together for a while. I know you guys are expecting. I even know the day you guys got together." He lights the cigar, shoving the lighter in his pocket, " I know you don't like working for me. But the real question is do you value your life?"

I narrow my eyes, "I thought you said you wouldn't kill me?"

He walks past me without answering my question, "Think on what I offered you."

I drown the glass of alcohol, the liquor burning my throat. Only when I hear his car drive away from the bar do I stand, heading towards the door, my head down.

That's when I hear Yaz shout my name, "Akasuki!" 

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