Bad mommy

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This chapter is dedicated to loveurkat who has been an amazing supporter of this book, always voting and showing love. Thank you so much, you rock.


Aurora stared wide eyed at the blonde haired man who mimicked the same look on her face. Her mouth was stuffed with cookies and her cheeks were puffed out, which made her look like a chipmunk. It was a comical expression on her face, wide eyes and puffed out cheeks.

The man in front of her was the same man who was with Matteo at the cafe. She remembered him from the little incident that happened with Chandler. He stood with his mouth agape and his eyebrow twitching, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. She feared that his eyes might pop out of his head from being so wide.

She wondered if he was okay.

Suddenly he let out a loud screeching noise that made her heart jump. "What the fuck?! Why is there a woman here in your house, Matteo?"

Matteo entered the living room with no expression on his face. He simply just rolled at his eyes at the other gentleman in the room.

"Shut the fuck up. Your voice is giving me a headache."

She didn't like how they kept using bad words. It wasn't very nice to use those bad words and she didn't like it.

The man kept looking between the two of them, his head shaking from side to side. He kept looking back and forth, looking at Aurora and then back at Matteo with his mouth still wide open. She inwardly giggled at how weird the man looked with his eyes and mouth wide open.

"Are you not going to explain yourself?" he yelled.

His voice was awfully loud and she winced at how it penetrated her poor eardrums.

Matteo sighed. "I found her passed out on the street." was all he said to the man.

Aurora was still munching on her cookies when it was suddenly swiped away from her. She whined at the sudden taking of her cookies and looked up to see Matteo standing in front of her with a stern look on his face.

She made grabby hands to let him know that she wanted the plate of cookies back but he pulled it further away from her.

"No more." he said.

Aurora pouted and let out a small whine. She was enjoying the cookies so much because she can't remember the last time she had tasted something like that. It didn't happen often when she had sweet treats and when she finally had it, the rude man snatched it away from her.

Meanie Matteo.

"Isn't this the girl who walked in on you almost murdering Chandler?" Reggie asked.

Matteo just gave him a nod and Aurora felt her heart sink at what he said. If she hadn't walked in on him, Chandler might have died. If Chandler was killed, she wouldn't have any friends left and the cafe would be down one chef. The cafe might have gone down in flames if they had lost Chandler, his yummy meals kept the customers coming.

Aurora nearly jumped out of her skin for the second time this evening when a weight was suddenly plopped down next to her. With a frightened gaze she stared at the blonde haired man who took a seat next to her on the couch. He was too close for her liking, his oddly smirking face was shoved in front of hers.

He smiled at her. "Hey, I'm Reggie. What's your name?"

She was still flustered and frightened from the close proximity between the two of them. "A-Aurora."

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