Chef's kiss

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"Are you sure y-you don't want to help?" she asked him for probably the tenth time.

Matteo took a sip of his coffee, shaking his head. "Positive." he replied before looking down on his phone again.

She stuck her tongue out at him as she aggressively whisked the dark brown colored cake batter in the bowl.

She had the idea of the two of them baking a cake for today for no reason or celebration but just wanting to do this for fun. He surprisingly had all the ingredients to make a chocolate cake and was excited to put all her teachings from Aunt Jocelyne into good use.

She could have asked Malinda to make the cake but she didn't want to do that. She begged Matteo to give Malinda a few days off since the poor woman had been working all day, and she thought that Malinda deserved to rest a bit. Malinda also had two children which Aurora wanted her to go home to, for her children to spend some time with their mother.

Matteo being the boring old man he was refused her offer of having them bake this cake together. His first excuse was that he couldn't get his clothes dirty which he suggested that he could change out of but that he denied. His second excuse to her second offer was that he was busy with something important which was why he kept all his attention on his phone.

She felt a bit bad for pressuring him to join her for doing a silly thing like baking and did not bother him when he focused on his business. However, the little hope she had in her that he could change his mind came forth and every few minutes she asked him just to make sure. His answer didn't change and she now gave up on wanting him to help her.

After glaring harshly at the whisk in her hand for making her arm a bit sore, she smiled brightly at the batter that was mixed now thoroughly.

"Would you like to try?" she asked him.

He looked at her, a bit confused. "It's not baked."

She giggled at him. "It's still so good."

She lifted the whisk and her index finger caught the thick liquid that dripped from the whisk. She captured it and placed it in her mouth, sucking the batter clean from her finger. She was oblivious to the heated stare that she was thrown her way by the man who sat opposite her on the bar stool.

A soft sound erupted from the back of her throat at how delicious the batter was, and it was exactly how Aunt Jocelyne had taught her to make it. She was proud of herself and gave a confident smile towards Matteo.

"Try it." she spoke loudly, wanting him to have a taste of it.

Without breaking eye contact with her, he slowly rose from his seat. Her eyes locked on him as he made his way around the counter, inching closely towards where she was standing. She wasn't able to tell what exactly the expression on his face was but it was enough to have the butterflies flutter around in stomach.

He stepped forward, stopping right in front of her. He was so close that she had to crane her neck to look up at him, her face only a few inches away from his chest. She was confused by what he was doing and why he stood so close to her.

Matteo's gaze moved down to where he placed his thumb on the corner of her mouth, gliding it along her soft skin. The feeling of his finger moving against her face caused an involuntary shiver to overtake her body, the effect of him being too much for her. Her lips parted from the sensation of his hand against her skin, basking in the feeling that only he could make her feel.

He looked deeply into her eyes as he lifted his thumb to his mouth, her eyes now fixated on it. A gasp bubbled inside of her and her core tightened as he placed his thumb against his mouth. He sucked the batter off his thumb and she blushed at the realization that he had swiped a bit of the batter that was on her face.

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