Bloody Mary did her rounds

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Aurora moaned in pain as she clutched her abdomen tightly. She was hunched over as droplets of water trickled down her naked body. The warm water of the shower eased some of her pain but the immense amount of pain came in powerful waves in her lower stomach.

She turned the shower off as she howled in sheer pain. It was that time of the month for her and she didn't expect it to appear at this random time. There were still guests in the house and she had to excuse herself from the table when she felt an ache in her stomach and wetness between her legs.

There was no tight schedule for when her period came so she couldn't predict when it would appear. She hated that because she couldn't prepare herself for when it would come.

She stepped out of the shower and entered her room, the short towel tightly wrapped around her body. She walked hastily towards her drawers, in hopes of finding some pads for herself. To her disappointment, there was none in sight.

She bit her lip as she rummaged around through all the drawers and even in those in the bathroom, but to her dismay there was none. This situation couldn't have gotten worse for her since she was stuck in her room with bloody Mary who did her rounds and three men downstairs, with no pads.

How would she tell Matteo that she needs these things?

She stood in the middle of her bedroom, pain in her stomach and the anxiety of having to inform Matteo about this with his friends here.

She was about to cry when there was a sudden knock at her door. She didn't have time to comprehend that the person had opened the door right after the knock and in barged Reggie.

"Amore mio, it is time for us to leave so I came to-"

She gasped as she clutched the towel tightly against her body, her cheeks reddening from the intrusion. Reggie's eyes widened but being the respectful man he was he slapped his hand over his eyes and turned around not before letting out a little screech.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't know you were naked and I didn't mean to walk in on you in this state!" he said in a rush.

Aurora couldn't even speak, not knowing what to say as she stood looking at him with red cheeks.

"What happened?" asked Vincent.

She snapped out of her flustered state and urged her legs to move into the direction of her bedroom to hide. There was no time for her to do that since she noticed that Matteo had appeared behind Reggie, who was struggling to find the handle of the door with his eyes still covered.

If it was even possible, she felt her cheeks become even hotter when his gaze locked on hers and for a second scanned her body. She had just made a fool out of herself by letting these men see her with just a towel.

"Oh." said Vincent. He cleared his throat, looking very awkward and he too turned around.

"Sorry for the disturbance." he said, tugging on the collar of Reggie's shirt and dragging him away from Matteo and Aurora.

Matteo stared at her for a moment longer, his eyes not looking down at her body but he was staring directly into her green orbs. After a second longer of just watching her, her grabbed a hold of the door handle to close it and give her privacy.

"Matteo." her voice seized his movements.

"Yes?" he asked.

She cleared her throat. "I have a problem." she said softly, a bit too soft.


She looked down, feeling very awkward because of this situation. She swiped her toes against the rug on the floor, the embarrassment seeping into her body.

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