Capo has a crush

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"Boss in the most respectful way, you have fucked up."

"Shut the fuck up, Reggie." Vincent said, a bit agitated.

"What?" Reggie asked innocently. "He basically scarred Aurora for the rest of her life."

Matteo cringed as he thought about his barbaric actions in front of her. If he was being completely honest, he was not thinking in that moment and lost all sanity.

"I can understand since that fucker always presses our buttons." Vincent sighed. "What the fuck was he doing here anyway?" he asked Matteo.

Matteo leaned back into his seat. "He wanted to take Aurora out. I couldn't let that happen."

"That's it? That is the reason you almost killed him?" Reggie asked in disbelief.

Matteo just gave Reggie a look. He didn't want to admit to what he clearly implied since he couldn't look like a fool in front of them. He drank a bit of the whiskey from his glass and didn't answer.

Reggie laughed. "Un po' gelosi, non siamo capi? Eh."
(Little bit jealous aren't we boss? Huh)

Matteo shot Reggie dark look and Vincent began to bicker with him. While the two were engrossed in a conversation, Matteo faced the window as he sipped on his drink.

There was no other rational explanation for his sudden outburst with Chandler. There was the years of endless bad blood between the two cousins, but never a stronger hatred for seeing him close with a woman. It was a burning feeling inside of him, one that brought a strange bitter sensation in his stomach whenever he saw them together.

His hatred for his cousin started before he met Aurora, but for some reason in went deeper than that. There was burning hot jealousy bubbling inside of him that reached it's peak unfortunately in the wrong way. It scared her off to see that side of him and until today he hadn't cared about that.

He didn't care if she saw him kill someone previously but that feeling wasn't there anymore. It wasn't as satisfactory as before, all that could fill up his heart was guilt, a heavy burden of guilt.

God he felt like a total bitch. It must be the whiskey that is making him feel this shitty way.

"Is she mad?" he heard himself ask.

The room was still as no one answered the question as if it fell upon deaf ears. Matteo had his back turned towards the two men yet he could feel their questionable gazed burning against his back.

There was hesitation in their voices. "Huh?"

"Aurora," he answered, "Is she mad?"

The words tasted like a bitter substance on his tongue when they left his lips. He felt confused at what he was saying, never once conversing with his comrades about things involving a woman.

He continued looking at the view in front of him as he awaited their response.

"Capo has a crush." Reggie all but softly snickered.

Reggie cleared his throat after seeing none of the men smiling with him. "I don't think she's mad. I think that maybe she's just confused."


Reggie hummed. "She has no idea what you do for a living. Vederti in quello stato potrebbe averla scioccata, ma l'ha lasciata più confusa."
(Seeing you in that state might have shocked her but it left her more confused.)

Matteo was impressed that Reggie actually made sense for the first time.

"È scioccante che tu abbia avuto un senso per una volta." Vincent said.
(It's shocking that you made sense for once.)

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