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Today has been one of the best days of her life.

Matteo took her to a place called the Aquarium, and she saw so many fish! She has never seen so many sea creatures in her life. The only time she got to see any fish were in the picture books at the orphanage, but never in real life.

Aurora wished that humans could breathe underwater so that they could swim with all the fish and the other sea creatures. Why couldn't they have superpowers that made them able to breathe underwater?

She had never expected him to ever take her out like this. It made her feel like this was some sort of date, like a couple who were going out together. However, they weren't a couple and would most certainly never have the honor of gaining that title, which is why it was not a possibility.

Matteo would never see her as something more than a friend, or even a sister. She was too much of a child to be with a man like him. Matteo deserved a woman who had confidence and who actually acted her age.

He must have done this to brighten her mood. Whatever the reason was, she was very grateful for him doing this for her. Spending time with him was something she will cherish dearly and she didn't want this day to end.

It seemed that he had the same thought in mind when they had finished their meal at the diner. The pretty girl from earlier was very keen on wanting Matteo's attention. She had noticed how she stood extremely close to him when she checked on their table, pretending that Aurora didn't exist.

Just because Matteo ignored her doesn't mean that she still felt a bit better. She was aware of the fact that there were women who she couldn't compete with. Women who will throw themselves at Matteo and he would be swept off his feet by their beauty. It could result in him leaving her, even though they aren't the closest thing to a couple.

She just couldn't stand the thought of someone grabbing hold of his attention.

Matteo took them to an ice cream shop. Her mood had instantly changed when she saw all the different sorts of ice cream behind the glass. She was a big fan of ice cream and she couldn't be in a bad mood once she started eating her strawberry flavored ice cream.

The ice cream was so yummy.

When they arrived home, her heart had sunken to the bottom of her stomach. She was reluctant to get out of the car, but went inside the house nonetheless. She just wished that the day could have dragged even further, loving the idea that they could have more time.

It was almost dark out. The sun began to set and she was a bit worn out from the day's activities. She had so much fun that she wanted to do this everyday, if she could. That was some dream to be able to go to many places with Matteo by her side, looking at different animals and trying out many arrangements of food.

Matteo hung his jacket on the coat hanger. She placed her hands behind her back, gliding her feet against the floor as she stared downward.

"Thank you. I h-had a lot of fun today." she said softly.

"You're welcome." he replied.

"I don't know how I could ever pay you back for-"

He cut her off, his hand gripping her shoulder gently. She peered up at him through her lashes.

"I do not expect anything in return. You deserved it."


"No buts." he said sternly. She shut her mouth immediately at his stern tone in his voice, sending a bunch if butterflies to flap around in her belly.

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