Is it...jealousy?

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There was no fucking way he was going to allow her to attend this meeting with him.

He was very serious when he thought about never showing her this side of him, not even giving her a small peep of his true nature. She was too pure to be dragged into his twisted business world of mob gangsters and rich perverts who he associated himself with. He would keep her away from that life of his and that was similar to an oath to protect her.

He was a selfish man who couldn't resist and opportunity to have her closer to him. Eating away at the back of his mind was the constant nagging that he was a criminal and she couldn't be acquainted with someone like him but Matteo was a selfish man. He would protect what he wanted closest to him and that person was her.

Matteo stopped wondering why he was so drawn to this girl when there was nothing special that meets the eye. He thought it must have been out of pity, but he saw many young homeless people and he never batted an eye in their direction. It certainly was not pity, at all. There was just an immense amount of desire to protect her and have her not get caught up in this fucked up life, end of the fucking story.

With a lit cigarette between his lips Matteo walked down the corridor of his building. Every person who he passed by greeted him with a bow or a verbal greeting, but him being the man he is he did not acknowledge them. He entered the meeting room and with a grand entrance he stepped inside.

It was silent when he took a couple of steps towards his seat at the head of the table. All that could be heard was the heel of his dress shoes hitting the tiled floor. Everyone who was seated did not glance at the man who was in control of their life with just a pull of a trigger. A man who everyone sought to be as the soul reaper.

Matteo was still and calm. He reeked of anger even though his actions were graceful, and it put those inferior to him on edge. He smoked as he sat, glancing at everyone who fumbled in their seats with nervous gulps resounding in the room.

He took out his cigarette from his mouth, releasing a cloud of thick smoke. "Indicalo."
he said, his voice quiet and stern.
(point him out)

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, not understanding what he had just said. They mumbled to each other and he heard some whisper under their breath for the others to repeat what he said.

"Indica lo stronzo che ha deciso di prendermi otto milioni."
(point out the fucker who decided to steal eight million from me)

Hushed were the heated discussions in the room as Matteo jabbed his cigarette in the ash tray and looked amongst his members. Everyone's faces were contorted in confusion as they glanced at one another, no one seeming to get what the capo was talking about.

"Quanto sei sicuro che sia uno di noi, capo?" someone spoke up.
(How sure are you that it is one of us, boss?)

Matteo leaned back in his seat. "Hai il coraggio di interrogarmi?"
(You dare question me?)

The man's eyes widened and he audibly gulped. "Non intendevo mancare di rispetto. Era una domanda di cui molti di noi sono curiosi, capo"
(I meant no disrespect. It was a question many of us are curious about, boss)

Matteo let it slide, seeing that many had agreed with the man. They did not physically appear to agree with his statement but he could sense it from all of them. Matteo called to Vincent softly, sparking something on the man's face as he gave a nod at the boss.

There were about five people in the room excluding Vincent and Matteo himself. Those who were in the room with him were not even close to being fairly important to him as to why he felt that he would not lose anything today.

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