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Recently I've been getting closer with Bruce due to my closeness with Alfred. A man dressed as a bat has shown up randomly, and I've agreed to finally get therapy I just have to make the appointment.

"Breaking news, Jerome Valeska is said to have been murdered in Arkham. A random guard took his life and is now being charged for manslaughter. Critics say he should've been charged more, investigation is still underway." I turned off the television and went back to cooking. Alfred and Bruce are coming over later to have some food.

I put the pasta into the pot with some salt to help with taste and temperature. In a pan I had my sauce cooking. Bread was warming in the oven aswell.

A knock came from my door and I quickly made my way over, adjusting my dress on the way.

"Welcome! Come in." I smiled opening the door for the two.

"Nice to see you Miss Laurier." Alfred greeted giving me a hug.

"Nice to see you too Alfred, it's always a pleasure, same as you Mr Wayne." I smiled closing the door behind the two. "Dinner will be ready shortly."

"Any new news?" Bruce asked pointing to the Television.

"Apparently Jerome Valeska has died in Arkham, I don't believe it though."

"Why's that?"

"First of all I've met this dude and he can seriously manipulate you. Secondly he's crazy, surely some guard or a few guards will have also been crazy and broke him out and faked his death. Or even better of a theory, some of the workers are corrupt like Hugo Strange or Dr Crane and helped him." I said stirring the pasta. I looked up to them and they both looked intrigued. "I'm just waiting to see what The Batman has to say or do about it."

"I'm sure he'll look into it." Alfred said before quickly looking ti Bruce then away. I don't think I was supposed to notice this but I did.

"Maybe, but the batman could be as crazy as Jerome. A man who wears masks and flies around dressed as a bat while beating bad guys." Bruce said looking around the apartment a bit.

"Possibly." I said quietly going back to stirring.

"So have you started your therapy yet?" Alfred asked coming over and smelling the pasta sauce.

"Not quite but funnily enough I have an appointment in a few weeks with Dr Crane."

"You're going to Arkham for therapy?"

"The only place that will treat my ptsd." I sighed running a hand through my hair. "How's life being millionaire Bruce Wayne?"

"Boring, all the parties all the times gets old. Gotta keep up my image though."

"Mr Wayne is very busy most of the time though. You hardly go out enough." Alfred said to Bruce before moving around the counter and taking a seat next to Bruce at the table.

We talked for a bit while we ate. They enjoyed the meal. We talked about work, news, a bunch of other stuff. They left around eight or so.

Time skip

"Reason for visiting?" A guard asked sitting in the booth gate at Arkham Asylum.

"I have an appointment with Dr Crane, for 2:15." I said politely while tapping my fingers on the wheel anxiously. I never really got to talk about what I was going through when I was younger so this is really nerve-wracking.

"You're fifteen minutes early." The guard said sternly like staring at me. It felt like he was staring into my soul.

"Yes, I know. I'm just nervous, it's my first appointment."

Fix Me | Scarecrow x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें