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Warning: semi smut near the end ;)

After dinner I was sent back to my room. I walked over to the bookshelf and started looking at books. One or them looked off so I went to pull it out and it didn't come out all the way. The wall then started shaking and then the bookshelf moved over.

"What the hell?"

I walked towards the entrance and went in. There was a staircase so I decided to walk down quietly and see what's in it. The stairs kept going and going. At the end was a long stone hall that led to a giant cave, in the middle was a pit of green water.

"Its the Lazarus Pit. Revives soldiers who are in pain. Can rebirth you aswell." A voice from within the shadows. The body came forward revealing themselves as Ra's. "I thought it'd take longer for you to find it, I am impressed."

"Is it real?" I asked, stepping forwards.

"Yes, there's a few scattered around at our different hide outs. Some say it can drive you mad, after that we've killed the soldiers."

"How many times have you been rebirthed?"

"Oh too many. I'm hundreds of years old." Ra's said, walking towards me. "Back to bed now."

He escorted me back up the long stairs and I went to bed.


"Miss Laurier, wake up." I was shooken awake by a man holding a gun. I quickly shot up, kicked the gun, punched him, and then jumped on him, making him fall to the floor. I then pinned him now so I was on top of his back. This whole situation caused a disturbance making some men, two of which were on the plane with me.

"Don't wake me up with a gun, eh?" I said before rolling off of him. "Can I have some privacy now? I'd like to get changed." I smirked. The guy I knocked down was helped and taken out.

"You're lucky, you could've been killed for doing that." One of the men said before leaving.

"Good thing I wasn't." I shut the door behind him and started changing into the clothes for the day. Then I went and brushed my teeth. I had a shower yesterday and I'll get sweaty after all of this so I'll do it later.

I then walked out of the room and let the men lead me to the eating room.

"Heard there was a disturbance in your room."

"He woke me up with a gun." I replied looking at Ra's who was walking over.

"It won't happen again. You're a good fighter and a fast learner, he is one of our top men."

"I only caught him off guard, it's not much." I replied crossing my arms.

"Its porridge for breakfast, you can go line up. Women get served first." Ra's said leading me to stand and walk to the short line of women.

I walked over to the line, there was probably around 15 including me, Talia was 3 in front of me. The line quickly shortened and I was now at the table. There was oatmeal, yogurt and some fruits set up. I put a bit of each in mine and made my way towards the table.

"Y/n! Come here." A voice called, I looked around to see Talia waving me over. I cautiously walked to her. "Sit." She patted beside her. "I don't bite, well unless you'd like me to."

"Oh I haven't, I can't, last time I was with anyone, well."

"And he had a brutal end, I assume. Part of what we do here is learning to get over your fears. You'll have to try and get over that one aswell, my dear." Talia said pushing my hair behind my ear. "We'll, let's eat, don't want it going bad, hmm?"

We quickly finished eating and I was escorted to the training room. It was a bit harder than I remembered to be when I was training as a teenager but I learnt quick. As I said I would before.

After a few hours we were served lunch. It was just some soup and bread.

"Y/n, it is now time for you to try the flower." Ra's said pulling me to a room after I put away my dishes.

"The flower?"

"It makes you see your fears. Once you have conquered most of your fears and used it to your advantage, you can do anything."

"Is that what the Scarecrow does?" I asked making Ra's halt.

"How do you know of Scarecrow?"

"He saved me once, and attacked me once." I said simply.

"You don't know who he is, correct? Like who he really is."


"Good." He said going back to walking. I was then led to a room, there was a bowl at the end with blue liquid in it, it was hot and steaming. "Go and take a deep breath."

"Listen when Scarecrow gassed me, I was able to alter it and I don't think he did enough to cause damage so will one breath be enough?"

"We'll work up. It's all about tolerance."

I took a deep breath and my vision started altering but not a lot. I looked to Ra's and shrugged.

"Go for a second."

I took a second deep breath and it was enough. Suddenly the lights turned off and quick footsteps were heard.

"This is the first test, you must fight with what you have learnt while under the influence of the blue Himalayan poppy."

I could partially see the men dressed in black in the dark. I used the darkness as an ally, I weaponized it and the same colour clothes I was wearing. I quickly and swiftly took down the men one by one. Each of the 20 men were on the sidelines to break after three minutes.

"Good, but you can improve. You are leaving in a few days so you should be set by then. I am very impressed with how fast you learn and adapt miss Laurier. I've seen few warriors like yourself."

"Thank you Mr Al Ghul." I smiled.

"Here's the antidote, drink up." I quickly drank the whole glass. "You can go to the library and read about our history or practice more. Do what you wish as long as it's within the building, we will know if you try and escape."

Smut starts here, skip the rest of the chapter if you'd like

"Of course." I said, exiting and making my way to the library. On my way an arm grabbed me and pulled me into a room. "What the hell?" I yelled before looking towards the person. "Talia?"

"Wanna work on what we discussed earlier?" Talia asked walking towards me, putting her hands on my waist. I quickly closed the door to her bedroom with my leg and leaned into her, we started kissing quickly. "You ever been with a woman?" Talia asked, pulling away

"No, I've always wanted to, have you?" I asked biting my lip.

"Same." She said before pulling me back in. We slowly made our way to the bed, she was making out with me on top. "May I?" I nodded and she removed my top, before removing her own. She then started kissing, licking and sucking at my neck.

"Take off my top." I pleaded.

"As you wish." She quickly uncliped my bra and started attacking my nipples. "This is more fun than I thought. How are you? How's your anxiety?"

"I'm okay, you?"

"I'm great, if you want us to stop say Panic." Talia said before going back to sucking and pulling at my nipples.

"Take off my pants." I moaned.

"As you wish."

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