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It's the next day. After they checked vitals and stuff, I was sent to my room for the night. I woke up having nightmares all night because of the flashbacks the gas caused.

"Hello Miss Laurier, final day hm? Here's your pancake meal as a goodbye. I recommend putting all the condiments on so it's actually edible."

"Thanks." I said, being passed the pancake meal, orange juice, and the mandarin fruit cup. I quickly ate it all. It was pretty bad but more edible than the other meals.

I decided to stay in today rather than go to the rec room. I wanted to think more about last night. Maybe Dr. Crane ran into the Scarecrow and knew something about it. Maybe I was hallucinating. I'm not sure.

I started examining my body in the bathroom to see any needle puncture wounds and found one on my arm. I knew it was real! But who would listen to me?

Soon, I was escorted to Dr Crane's office. I could feel my heart pumping out of my chest. Should I tell him about yesterday? What if he's in danger now? What if Scarecrow is actually good? But Scarecrow wouldn't be cause they hurt Lydia, right?

I was taken out of my thoughts as I was shoved into his office.

"Sorry." I said as I took a seat.

"What for?"

"I wasn't paying attention. The whole time, we were walking here, not even on the elevator."

"Let's start there then. What's on your mind, Miss Laurier?" Dr Crane smirked while opening his notebook.

"I think, no, I know that Scarecrow escaped before you came to stop Jerry. And I know I sound crazy but I have a wound on my arm from when Scarecrow injected me after spraying us with something." I said super quickly.

"Miss Laurier, that's impossible. Scarecrow isn't real."

"Okay, then look at my arm." I said, pulling my arm up. "And explain how each time I was attacked the most they did, my maybe grab my wrists. I think Scarecrow is good. It saved me, I mean, I was scared but really quickly passed out because of the antidote."

"May I see your arm?" He asked, I nodded, and he stood up and walked over and pulled up my slave to explain it. "Hm, I guess it's true."

"We should tell someone, right? I mean, then people won't get worse."

"I mean, it's Arkham. Bad people come in and out all the time. Let's talk about what happened when he supposedly came in. Did he have a shiv or anything?"

"No. I asked to go to the bathroom, went down the hall, and then to the bathroom hall. He came up behind me and grabbed my arm. I screamed and yelled at him and went to throw a punch, but he caught that hand. He said that 'nobody was gonna save me', and then someone said 'I will' or something, and the lights turned off. Gas was then in the air, we both inhaled it but then he started screaming and let go of me. I was then injected with a needle right after the gas was in the air, making the effects ware off quickly but also make me very tired. The lights turned back on, and then I passed out."

"How did you react to this 'gas'?"

"It was terrifing. I saw things I thought I got rid of. I forgot about all of these things up until last night." I said, stuttering as my eyes started flooding again.

"What do you mean?"

"I remember when my dad would abuse me or my mom. I remember visiting him in prison. I remember having to watch my uncle kill people, then make me do it. I got rid of those memories. I swear I did. I had nightmares of people leaving me."

"Do you have a fear of abandonment?" Dr Crane asked, cleaning his glasses.

"I- I don't know! I mean, when I feel like someone is leaving me, I have panic attacks and do everything to stop it. Everyone I've ever loved has left me or died. Nobody who was supposed to love me ever has, not correctly. But it's my fault. If I wasn't born, nothing would've happened."

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