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Jonathan Crane POV

"Where is she?" I whispered to myself while checking the clock. Y/n was supposed to have therapy today. She is already half an hour late. "Fuck it."

I quickly signed out for the day, canceling any appointments for the rest of today. I called Y/n two times earlier, no answer. I drove right to Wayne enterprises and went to the front desk.

"Hello could I speak to Y/n Laurier?" I asked the front desk.

"She's off, emergency out of town."

"I see." I said before taking a deep breath, "Could I speak to Mr Wayne?"

"He's at home today. I can call him and say you're popping on by." The receptionist said.

"Yes that'd be perfect, thank you."

"So she never called and canceled her therapy? That's weird cause she still has today marked off, Bruce was the one who talked to her last." The receptionist said before I left.

Wayne has to have her, I just know it. I thought as I got in my car and got directions to Wayne Manor.


I parked my car and swiftly made my way to the door, briefcase in hand as usual. You never know when you need to use the toxin. I knocked at the door and it opened within seconds.

"Hello, Dr Crane. Come with me, Mr Wayne is in his office." An old man said, Bruce Wayne's butler. We walked down the hall and stopped outside a room. "This is his office."

"Thank you." I nodded him before walking in the office.

"Dr Crane, what do I owe the pleasure."

"I am aware that, you have recently spoke with Miss Laurier, she was supposed to have therapy today but hasn't called to cancel." I said taking a seat on the seat at the desk on the side near the door.

"I had trouble contacting her too. She was um, she had a bit of an accident a few days ago, she called me to help her. In the morning I brought her here to stay so she'd be safer but when I got back she disappeared. Her apartment was in a bit of a mess when I went to check it out. It took nine calls to get to her, said she had an emergency with a friend." Wayne said, concern in his voice.

It had to have been Ra's then. For fuck sake. "I see, did Alfred not see her leave or anything?"

"He was on the toilet, he said he thought he heard commotion but wasn't sure."

I was now very angry. Especially at Ra's for kidnapping her. She better be okay or our deal is off. They can gas Gotham without me.

"Is there a problem?"

"I just realized circumstances. I have to go speak with a colleague of mine. Thank you for speaking with me, Mr Wayne. Have a nice day." I nodded him off before leaving and getting in my car.


Bruce POV:

I watched as Jonathan made his way to his car, Alfred standing beside me.

"Did you put the bug in his car?"

"Yep, here's the ear piece Mr Wayne." Alfred said passing one to me, the other in his ear.

"Pick up you lousy man!" Jonathan said through gritted teeth.

"Hello Dr Crane." A voice said, Ra's, they must be on speaker.

"Where the hell is Y/n and what have you done with her?"

"Don't worry, she'll be back tomorrow. She's trained now to be as well as the league. Too powerful if I must say. Don't get too attached to your pets Dr Crane, you have a job to do."

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