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I tapped on the table anxiously as I was sat beside my lawyer and Carl Finch, the current DA. Rachel was sat behind us along with Selina.

Everyone was in here before the plaintiff, even his Lawyer was here. While we did research on the case we found out he lives in the poorer side of town, somehow he afforded a high priced lawyer.

Suddenly the doors fly open and he comes in looking extremely doped up. He stumbles through a takes a seat.

"All rise for the Case between Plantiff Peter Narone and Y/n Laurier-Falcone. You may now sit. Defense would you please state your case."

"Yes." My lawyer then stood up and walked around to the stand. "Your honor, this is a case of Sexual Assult, Harassment, and Emotional Distress. In the morning of March 7th, this year at 11 AM, my client just left the grocery store, Cosmos, she was talking with her friend Selina Kyle when Peter Narone came up behind them and asked to join their sleepover. She said no and he got physical by grabbing her waist and pulling her so they were back to front. She then slapped him and he tried to kiss her neck. She then had a ptsd attack from this. Our Client is a 23 year old Female who grew up in an abusive household for a few years before going to an orphanage. From there she then was adopted by her uncle, Carmine Falcone. She was top in all of her classes and graduated early, then becoming a co-chair of Wayne Enterprises. She doesn't have any record of criminal offenses, and is getting therapy twice a week from Dr Jonathan Crane. Today I would like to bring up the following witnesses; Y/n Laurier-Falcone, Selina Kyle, Jonathan Crane, Peter Narone, Sofia Falcone and Bella Grenthorn. Each of my witnesses were at the scene or are close with my client."

"Okay, thank you. May the plantiff now state your case please.

The lawyers then switched places. "Your honor this is a case of Assault and criminal Harassment. In the morning of March 7th, this year at 11 AM, my client was yelled at and slapped outside of Cosmos, on West Main Street. He said he found them attractive and she slapped him and screamed at him to let go of her. Our Client is a 46 year old male who grew up in the tougher part of town. He has a criminal history but has shaped up. He has a job at a bar and hasn't missed a shift in the past two weeks. My witnesses are Y/n Laurier-Falcone, Peter Narone and Rachel Dawes." I then turned around and gave Rachel a questioning look. She gave a shrug and I turned around. "Two were at the scene and Rachel is close with Y/n. I would argue that Miss Laurier-Falcone deserves to stay in a mental institution."

"Objection!" Carl shouts out.

"Hearsay! Please show me your documents."

"Well I'd like to pull up the video that was taken by Bella Grenthorn, which is now all over social media." The video then came up on everyone's screens. I haven't seen the video yet, just watching it gave me flashbacks and I started panicking.

"Here, take a Lorazepam." Dr Crane passed me one.

"Thank you." I said quietly before drowning it with water.

"I'd like to call recess." The Judge called. We all exited and we went to the Defense room.

"Okay, this is good. Hopefully the Judge and the Jury realize how stupid and time wasting this case was. We have the law and the truth behind us. We know what you did was self defense."

"I know I just, I hate this so much."

"Don't worry Y/n, they have to drop his charges and send him to jail. It's the only way that this will go if the Jury isn't paid off." Rachel said, trying to calm me down..

"If I have to I'll beat the shit out of him. I swear." Selina said looking angry.

"Its fine."


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