11. Scheme

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Chapter 11

Lily could barely look in the eyes of Evan Hartwick, after have fainted she was mortified to see him and thought he'd fire with questions and interrogate her the moment her eyes opened but to her disbelief he did neither of those things, while she did wake up with his face so near she believed it was a dream it was nothing compared like him behaving as if she was a fragile piece of glass, he acted like her caretaker, and at a certain point when he started thinking she couldn't change without his assist she drew a line,

"I am not immobile, Evan, you need not to worry so much," Lily hadn't meant to sound snappish but the man was beside her at every breath she take, and as her sister always required personal space she saw it as a use, he would understand wouldn't he?.

But then why did she wish to take those words back when he grew silent, stopping mid action of bringing a gown out of her baggage, he looked over his shoulder "I am your husband, it is my right to worry," his voice calm yet his chiselled jaw tightened, his lips in a set line that could intimidate anyone.

did he have to remind her of the fact? And it was at the tip of her tongue to correct, 'technically your married to my twin sister which makes you not my husband'.

Perhaps it is how an husband shall act after all, but seeing the glimpse of her parents once married life from her childhood she couldn't recall one time when her father would stand beck and call, heck he wouldn't even blink an eye if her mother fell face forward and come to think of it her mother was even more colder, affection and love was unheard of and like always she thought that was how married couple lived, as far as away from each other.

But seemed like she missed a lot in England society. Or society itself since she'd been kept in a secluded place in Ireland with her dog and aunt.

She did not have much to compare with.

And another fact that reminded her of Evan Hartwick was the fact that he's once been married, the lucky lady probably got a feet massage or two, or had she been carried to the bathroom and gotten the treatment of a queen? Although she believed the man had no romantic bone in his body since he choosed his work instead of her in the carriage.

Seeing that she had dozed off and was now staring dumbfounded she cleared her dry throat, trying her best to imidate her sister, "You are right, my dear... I am most grateful for you.. although its not everyday a bride faints on her honeymoon now is it?" she grinned but quickly realised it was a mistake to use humour with him, because when she thought his face couldn't look more stern it now did, he narrowed his eyes a friction before replying grimly, "Indeed it isn't, so explain to me wife, what has made you so distressed? We wouldn't want it to occur again, or is there some medical issues that I haven't been noticed of?"


Ever since young Lily was cursed with treatments that she had to use left and right in order to keep the blood raise going, something her mother said she inherited from her side of the family tree, perhaps that was why she was a bit crazier than her sister, nevertheless the medicine helped her but since she moved to Ireland and came to nature she had not once used her medicines and nothing occurred,

Was it England specifically or was it now him that brought it all back? She remembered the nurses words of things that could increase her fainting, one being distress.

And with him she most definitely felt rattled and distressed,

"Oh god, no, it probably was the carriage, I do feel ride-sick, and----"

"And I"

Lily shook her head in haste, but he held a finger and continued, "And you have every right, I have not gained your affections and left you out in many decisions, but it will change from now on,"

"Change?" she hadn't realised that she spoke it out loud, he nodded curtly and drifted his hands through his brown tousled hair making curls land on his forehead effortlessly, "From now on we will take it slow, on your accord, get to know each other...." He trailed off not as if he was lost for words, but waiting for her to say something

And what exactly could she say, something like ; No I do not want to play game and cards on how this bloody marriage can work, lets stay miles a distance!

With a lump forming in her throat she forced a shy smile upon her lips, "I would love that"

Gone were the cold look in his face, a look of relief passed through his eyes, "Let us talk over dinner"

"Dinner?" Lily frowned, had he not just told her no servants were here?

As if he could know what she was thinking her replied, "I couldn't let us starve, not that I doubt you aren't an excellent cook, but i would not tire you...."

"Perhaps you would like to bath before," He continued, she silently nodded and he raked his gaze on her long enough that she wondered if she ought to say something. Then with a firm nod he walked out of her room.

Breathing out of relief, she walked into the bathroom. Lily's eyes widen at what was in front of her, a surprised smile came to her lips when she saw her bath was done, her toiletries were there as well--- hairbrush, comb, pin box, perfume and even the milled soap she preferred--- all neatly arranged on the bureau next to Evan's shaving and grooming implements. A nightgown and robe were also draped over the back of the chair.

thankfully she was not in need of help disrobing, her gown was tied on the front which made it easy for her to loose the knots and slip it off as she lazily placed it on the chair, soft clean towels nearby. Her heart warmed as she sank into the fresh, warm water in the large bath tub.

Clearly he'd gone through her trunks and unpacked the items he thought she would want immediately, and there were a lot of baggage she brought, after all her sister lived like a princess. He'd carried them in, perhaps when she fainted.

Under the circumstances, she supposed it would be spiteful to not give it a try as he said, after all they will be here in two weeks, she could act like the beaming bride in honeymoon he wants.

Lily wondered how quick Eleanor would write her, for her and Kevin to elope to Greta green could take weeks and months considering the security Windor Castle had.

Lily prayed that she wouldn't play this scheme all to long.



A/N : sorry for the lack of update, I haven't really gotten the time to write or rest. For now I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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