16. I want

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chapter 16

Afternoon sunlight streamed downward, so brilliant Lillian had to raise a hand against it as Evan strooled with her, they took an afternoon stroll around the woods and nature, his arm locked  with hers, for all the words she had spoken against her love sick sister

she was utterly hypoterical to enjoy the feeling, but she blamed his warm big hands... they shouldn't feel good as they do.

Her shoes crunched noisily on the crushed-shell drive as they walked, "Where are we going?" Lillian questioned a they walked past the cottage,

"To the ocean... I want to show you something," he replied and Lily frowned, she didn't know there was an ocean near by, well it was not like she had the chance to explore,  Evan found ways to occupy her attention and truth be told she enjoyed to be around him, riding in the morning and waking up after an enjoyable night.

Suddenly he let go of her hand and Lilly frowned for a split of second before she felt hands covering her eyes, panic surged in her, "What are you doing?"

"Hush, easy... continue walking and don't dare to peak," he answered calmly, Lillian's panic went by thanks to his soothing voice, he guided her with his words and as she stood still he released her eyes,

Lillian sucked in a surprised breath,

the ocean.... it was magnificent... completely spectacular and captivating, she could see the coastline and in the air, tangy and strong, hung the scent of the sea, perfume rich roses sweetening the mix.

She closed her eyes and drank it in. Relishing the moment as the wind enfolded her in gentle arms, michevious airy fingers plucking at her hair and long skirts.

Moments later another pair of arms, real arms, slipped around her from behind. They pressed her back against a tall, firm, masculine body. A body she recognised immediatey, having spent the past nights curled snugly against it,

"Evan... this is breathtaking, I can't believe it" she sighed on a smile.

He bent his head, smoothed his lips over her neck and along the underside of her jaw. "Had i known you would enjoy it this much I would've shown you earlier..."

she laid her hands over his, "Yes, yes you should have"

he tipped her head back, feathered kisses over her cheek and lips, "What a shame of me to show you on the last day here..." he murmured and Lillian felt a pang of emotion, it came so startingly and he smiled reasuringly, "Fret not my dear, I will wear you out today, now come on... I haven't showed you the true beauty here" he pulled her more closer and said, "Take of your shoes"

Evan shucked his boots and stockings, his bare feet sinking into the warm, soft sand. His attire was casual. A white linen shirt and plain waistcoat, and an old pair of black trousers he'd rolled up to his knees.

His wife crossed her arms, hugged them to her chest, her pretty pink skirts blowing in the warm afternoon breeze. "No, thank you. I am fine exactly as i am"

"You will only ruin them. They will be clogged with sand before you walk ten feet. Off with the shoes, countess" 

she arched a proud brow, "That is right, I am a countess and as such do not cavort around barefoot in public"

Evan drew back to observe, "Ah, there is no public here, we are completely alone. As an earl, and your husband, I decree barefootedness to be perfectly proper attire for today's adventure"

Her lips cracked into a grin, "Barefootedness indeed", she did as commanded, rolling her stockings into two neat balls that she stuffed into her abondened footwear.

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