33. Devil

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chapter 33

Lillian wiped a tear from the corner of her eye and gulped a breath of cool night air. The scent of lilacs drifted through the garden on a sweet succulent cloud.

She ought to return to the ballroom, she knew, before someone noticed she was missing.

She knew she had no right to be sad and feel dissapointed at Evan when he was like everybody else who mixed them all the time. Yet she never thought he could, she believed he knew the difference and he had not mixed them together all through the time Eleanor came

until now...

She knew it would haunt her for the rest of her life. The man she loved above anything, couldn't tell her from her twin. He claimed he loved her sparks of freckles somewhere across her ear, he knew every trace of her body and yet... he---

No, there wasn't no more to it... she would leave, leave quiet and whisk away, he wouldn't notice after all...

her thoughts got interrupted as a quiet sound of footsteps crunching in the gravel made her look up.


She nearly crossed to him needing his warmth badly, wanted to be held.

Instead she retained to her seat on the stone bench, painfully aware he believed her to be her sister. "Good everning, my lord. what brings you out into the gardens at this late hour?" she hoped the quiverring in her voice was not audible

He sank down beside her, stretched out his long legs, "The same as you, I would imagine. A breath of fresh air, a few moments away from the crowd" He turned his head. "Although I haven't had the fortune to meet you at my wedding.."

He was speaking of herself--- Lillian--- she reminded herself, "Yes, well indeed I am most regretful for have missed it.."

"Hmmm.. indeed..."

"Well, no matter. I'm just glad you and my sister are so happy together... what you did out there was very generous"

"You think so? I've heard you aren't fond of animals, perhaps this charity was not for your suiting"

"Not at all" she said with a forced breeziness, "What---what i mean to say is that it was very considerate nevertheless my lord,"

"Have i told you that you two are strikingly alike... truly it is beyond me"

Lillian felt her throat close up as he shifted a few inches closer, "Though on occasion i wonder.."

"Wonder what?" she wet her lips and his gaze followed suit, "If your lips taste as sweet as my wife's"

A lump formed inside her throat. What was he saying? surely he couldn't want her... as in herself, as in Lillian,

"You know as they say with twins... a joy that is shared is a joy made double"

"No," She said on a rush, "Not in the least"

"Really? it could be fun... imagine what we could have..." he slipped his arms around her, hauled her close, "You and your sister are alike in so many ways. Makes me wonder how really alike you are. Perhaps we should exeperiment and find out"

He lowered his mouth to hers, but she turned her head away, evaded his kiss. She wedged an elbow between them to hold him off. But he was too strong and seconds later dragged her across his lap

"Don't" she pleaded, her heart shattering into thousand pieces, "No"

He crushed her mouth to his, commanding her to bending her to his will. A knot of agony twisted inside her chest. Try as she might to resist him, she couldn't. She loved him, wanted him still. For a moment she gave in and let him take her mouth. His tongue swept inside to slip like a bee gathering nectar. He kissed her as if he had every right to, as if he wanted to own her...

He cradled her neck drawing her closer and crushing him to her, deepened the kiss even more, slanting his mouth over hers, making her forget everything.

Finally, she gathered enough strength to shove him away. "Stop" she sobbed on a harsh whimper, tear sliding down her cheeks. "Stop"

this was not the way she visioned kissing him, being held by him.

"Why? What's wrong, my love? don't you like kissing your husband?" He skimmed his lips over her wet cheeks, nuzzled an sensitive spot behind her left ear.

She shuddered at the sensation, pleasure racing through her. Then his words became clear in her mind. "W--what," she stutered. "What did you say?"

suddenly his lips were against his ears, His voice silky as the devil's, "Hello Lillian"

The breath left her lungs hearing her name..



A/N: Before y'all attack me and come for me after this cliff hanger and very short chapter... I want to say that an update is very close since I'm writing faster than usain bolt can run, with that being said I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Sending you guys much love!

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