36. Defeated

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chapter 36

"You can tell the hell and heavens that we do not bloody care!" Lillian beyelled, not caring that she woke up the whole royal palace.

Her father was occupied in a grand meeting they said.... Well he would have a grand surprise for sure.

when another guard came in sight Eleanor shrieked, "Do not touch her! or help me god---"

suddenly the doors opened and a thundering dark man faced them, "Lord Windsor awaits you"

that one word, and all the guards stood in line letting go of Lillian, she glared hard at the man and went inside, her sister following close by. It was like walking into the devil's lair, only it seemed like hell,

"How dare you step foot in the royal palace?!---" he bellowed only then catching the sight of Eleanor, the blood drained out of their father's face, he stood in rage, "Bloody imposible! what in the heavens are you----" he swallowed, eyes widen as it drifted back to Lillian, "You---"

"Oh father, you couldn't possibly think I came all the way here without visiting you?" her sarcastic tone as sweet as a child, he narrowed his eyes with hatred,

" I thought i made it clear that you never step foot in England! have you no care for your sister's marriage!" He barked then looked at Eleanor with a thundering stare, "Where is your husband! He ought to know----"

Lillian chuckled, oh dear, this would indeed be fun, "Father, remember that promise you spoke off? the one you didn't keep? yeah two can broke promises..."

He looked baffled, opened his mouth only to sputter, "I have no care for what your saying, I see sending you to Ireland had not changed you a bit!"

"Oh it did change me, so much that I learned a few things, for one, cowering to you was my biggest regret, and there is nothing you have against me today, I do not care for your empty threats. You do not scare me anymore"

His grey once that once held anger gleamed with curiousity, "So you say? Not even for your married sister who could have her whole life destroyed by your excistence?"

That made Lillian laugh, "Father, I am surprised you haven't figured it out already, but I did remember walking away on one accord, my sister having to choose her life.... choosing the man she wanted to marry not the one you arranged for her,"

Eleanor stiffened beside her, Lillian squeezed her hand in reasurment, "You didn't keep that either"

suddenly he chuckled, litting a cigarette as he waved his hand like one was speaking of the weather, "Your sister had no gun to her head, she accepted the propsal and as far as i know the marriage was a success, she had no complaint, her husband sent a letter weeks ago that he was content with his marriage,"


her heart squeezed painfully, it was time to break the ice.

"That is because Eleanor didn't marry him. I did"

the cigarette her father held froze mid air, his eyes drifiting back and forth between Eleanor and Lillian, then he crushed the cigarette with his hand, the ashes falling to his desk, "What in bloody hell do you mean you married?"

Rolling her eyes lillian didn't cower from his death glare, "Exactly as i said father, you are not the only one who could go to far lengths,"

her father's face froze, "My my, Eleanor i think we have succeeded to finally shock him "

He looked bewilder, "You--- you--- forgods sake! this will turn up and down the whole bloody country! what where you thinking!" he bursted, stalking over to them, grasping the arms of eleanor as he shook her, "I expected some senses from you! do you have any idea what you've done!"

just when lillian was about to interfere, Eleanor burst her hands turning into fists, "You have ruined everything! you want to control us! You've controled us all our bloody lives! I won't stand for it no longer!"

Lillian didn't know what she was most shocked off, the fact that her sister yelled or cursed,

a proud feeling came over her as she watched her continue, "You thought we wouldn't communicate just because you banished her! well father, nothing can seprate me from my sister!" eleanor hissed letting then out a deep breath.

saying their father was now shocked was an understatement, it looked like he couldn't believe his once perfect shy daughter had the ability to speak up for herself. And Lillian wore the biggest and proudest grin.

"You bloody--- fools! you think you will be free now? and do what ever foolish act you can? the only thing you achived is to make bigger fools out of yourself, you're creating something you cannot go back against, and when Lord Hartwick finds out----" he gritted,

that made Lillian laugh, as if he cared, the only thing her father lived for was his reputation,

"You almost sound like you care father, but do not worry, Evan already knows the truth,"

for a moment Lillian thought smoke would come out of his ear and he would explode, his face turning so red, "Do you intend to ruin my life and ----"

"It would only be fair considering you ruined ours, but do not worry, we will leave with one condition, that is of course if you do not want the whole city to think you were apart of our deception" Lillian spoke, a smirk on her face when their father held her gaze hard and prickly, a sign he was defeated. There was a moment of tense silence before he grunt

"Out with it!"


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A/N : GUYS! I love seeing you guys reaching out and telling me you love my books! It makes me so glad! Also happy halloween if you guys celebrate!!! Sending you guys much love as always!!!

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