37. Not a word

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chapter 38.

Six weeks later after Evan looked through London, he was back in Essex.

Weary and insane like a man out for blood he made the maids scurry away from him once he and John entered the house.

Silence and dead silence welcomed him. The house almost feeling unfamiliar, His eyes fell to the sitting room where she once played cards with his brother, recalling her welcoming him with smiles and laughter. Now was gone.

"The dog is out for a walk with Kenneth, my lord" a servant in put. At the reminder of the dog he only thought of her, the way her whole face lit up as the dog licked her face.

His hands turned into fists,

he shouldn't be thinking of her when she decieved him, tricked him and left him as if she had no care.

"Brother?" John's voice broke his thoughts, Evan looked at him and guilt ran through him again. He had failed his brother too now, thinking a wife would solve all his problems, thinking a motherly figure would benefit his brother's upbringing.

"Are you alright?" Evan asked, riffling his brothers hair, John smiled but it quickly was gone as it came, "Shouldn't i be the one asking you that?"

his clever little brother.

shaking his head with amused smile Evan changed the subject and called for the maids, informed them to prepare him and John a bath. Then he stalked up the stairs, his mind in turmoil.

he was no closer locating Lillian the day he'd learned of her disappearance in London.

Like a man possesed, he'd searched everywhere for clues, starting with the servants. He'd questioned them all.  But no one knew anything relevant, each and every volunteering how much they adored the countess, how they were praying for her safe, speedy return. Them all thinking something terrible occured to her and her sister.

and while he damn knew she had left him, telling him through a flimsy letter as if it could be that easy to leave him, the nerve of that bloody woman!.

Striding inside her room he felt the trace of her scents, lavender and a scent that only was hers, damn her. He'd rifled her rooms, pawing through every drawer and cabinet and wardrobe. He found her rings, the engagement ring, remembering the way they'd looked upon her slender hand. And the necklace, he'd purchased for her, the one he'd once dreamed of seeing around her lovely neck as she lay in his bed. He realised she had barely taken anything to london, a few clothes, a hairbrush, a toothbrush and other assorted toiletries. If he'd needed any additional proof of her identity, seeing all the beautiful gowns arrayed like a rainbow in her wardrobe was enough. The real Eleanor, the society belle could never have countenanced leaving such elegant garments behind.


bloody why,

why had his life turned this way? flipping him upside down. All because of one woman.

At night she had entered his dreams, at day she was filled in his thoughts, indeed she left things, but she hadn't left him, hadn't left his mind. He wondered where she was, and the dreams were different, some days he would dream of tangled sheets and waking up with the need of release, then there was other dreams where he were afraid, where she called his name and needed help.

the torment he felt was eating him,

Not standing it no longer he strode out of her room, stalking downstairs he barked for his butler and footman as he took of to the nearest club, where he could get wasted and where his mind would get silent and his heart get numbed.

he needed to drown in alcohol.

The carriage halted in front of the gentleman club, not the normal club he would go to, but he needed distraction.

As he entered there was a loud howls and a pat on his back, raising his gaze he saw the smirk of Lincoln, an man with a mouth bigger than the ocean, the man could speak for ages, "Lord Hartwick, what a bloody surprise, after the news from London, we hardly believed you would return"

"Go to hell," he snarled as they barked with laughter, he got served with cigarees and alcohol Evan took the glass and swallowed the whiskey, feeling the burning sensation in his throat, he decided to endure the words, so long as there was a strong alcohol, the drink better make the inner madness inside him leave. 

but they were not taking the bloody clue that he didn't want to speak about the news and rumours that spread over the country, many men now gathered around his table, all having a say in what spiralled around,

"Prey tell me, did she leave you for an american? I've heard their starting to overtop us anytime soon, wealth and connections, perhaps little rich princess carries a bastard chil----" the man couldn't finish his sentence as Evans fist punched his jaw, knocking him over, everyone gasped as Evan flung over him, dodging a punch as the bastard tried to hit him back, "What--" they tropled over the table but Evan didn't stop, his punches repeately slamming down on the man, a punch flew to Evans face and it could likely be a bone cracking but Evan was obliviously gone in killing the bastard,

all the pempt up frustration and anger came out as his rage came out, how dare the bastard speak of her!

Evans ears went numbed as people were howling and gathering, until suddenly Evan was caught and ripped away from the man who was underneath on the floor as Evan pounced with punches after punches, blood dripping from all over his face, "My lord, are you---" it was bertram, his butler, dragging him back to sanity

only then did Evan realise,

realise that he had beat the man to a pulp.

Last time he'd ever been involved in fights were when he was a hotheaded teenager, and even then he had a last string of control.

Now he itched to kill the bastard, not even feeling satisfied with the swollen bloodied face,

"If you so ever speak of my wife ever again, I will make sure this is a pleasant memory in comparison" Evan glared darkly at the man on the floor who now spat blood as the other men in the club took in the scene with widened eyes and mouths hang open,

Gritting his teeth Evan stormed out the club, Bertram trailing behind him with an even more shocked face,

"My lord--- are you alright? you have blood on your---"

"Not a word, not a single word Bertram"



A/N : guys have you noticed I've changed the cover on the book! what do you think? I personally loveee it!!

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