40. I Love You

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chapter 40

Lillian adjusted her spectacles she'd once again taken to wearing, then straightened her shoulders. she could do this, she told herself. She would do this and not fall apart. She'd made a fool of herself in front of him once. She did not intend to do so again.

As the guards gestured for her to walk away from the queue so they could investigate the rest of the people Lillian knew she had to move, even when her legs felt wobbly,


How odd it sounded, after all this time, to hear her name on his lips. What she would have given anything, once, for him to speak her name and know who she truly was. Now that he did, she regretted the price at which knowledge had come.

When her tongue felt like it had the ability to speak she turned on her heel, seeing the man she had thought about this past few weeks, standing all tall and proud. His coat and appearance rouge like he had been on the run, his face looking weary and exhausted

"How did you find me?" She moved further away from the crowd, seeing him clearly now she could see the dark underlines of his eyes, the rugged look on his face. then a few bruises that had her eyes widen, god he-- he was hurt

"Your face...what--" she gasped, halting mid steps her baggages slipping from her fingers, all she wanted was to stride over to him and touch.. see if it hurt like it looks.. She held the urge reminding herself it was not her place to care.

"I suppose we shall speak inside, a meal will do you good, you look chilled"

"No, thank you..." Her stomach lurched at the thought of food or drink.

Ignoring her, he lifted her baggages making Lillian gasp, "Evan--- I mean my lord, you cannot grab my baggages, I need to join the ship by now"

He didn't answer her only turning and walking, what in the hell?, Lillian felt utterly confused but she couldn't do nothing else but to follow after him, what was he doing? had he any idea what problem he put her in?

Why was he being so polite? she'd expected anger or at least cold civility from him. Then again she hadn't expected him to be here out of all places.

Uncertain how long her legs would continue support her he finally stopped in front of an cottage looking place at the very far of the shore, almost like it was deserted but still big and cozy looking.

"Have you lost your mind?" Lillian snapped as he put down her baggages, she had enough of speaking as if he hadn't just come here at the very time she should've been gone, as if he hadn't ruined her chance to leave.

"Tea" he extended a cup, making her realise he had already went inside the house and came back,

Looking at the steam coming out the cup and hitting the cold breeze Lillian accepted with eagerness, as she sipped and took a few gulp she looked back at him seeing his gaze already on hers with an expression that she couldn't read, "Who told you i was here?"

"Your father"

"You meet my father?" Lillian almost shouted, oh god.

He didn't even blink at her outburst only taking her baggages inside the cottage, and Lillian had no other choice but to trail after him, "Does everyone know? have you told the world about me?"

He raised an eyebrow. "No. With the expection of my solictor, one bishop and a few of their most discreet assistants. I was compelled to contract them concerning the validity of our marriage"

A lump swelled in her throat, she placed the cup of tea at the nearest counter, "And?"

"It is as I suspected. We are legally husband and wife. Our marriage is valid."

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