Love At First Sight

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I tie my apron around my back and get my notepad and pen ready to take the customers orders down. I straighten my name tag and I walk to the floor. I see a couple in the middle of the room close to the door.

"Hello I am Evangelina and welcome to Ambrose, can I get you anything?" I click my pen. The woman scoffs "We only just got here. Jesus Carl did you really have to take us to this...".

She scans the restaurant with obvious disgust, she doesn't even bother to try and hide it.

"This unsophisticated joke of a restaurant, look over there! There are a group of teenage hooligans! Oh! And that man over there has tatoos! People with tatoos are the type of people you stay away from!".

From their attire and the huge diamond rock on her finger, they definitely have money. The husband sighs "Karen can you please just relax all I want is some food and then go home, can you do that?".

The look on her face looks like someone has kicked her dog "You! Are telling me to relax!?" Everyone in the comfortable restaurant is silent, looking at the snobbish woman with distaste.

The man subtly rubs his temples "You know what! I am going to wait in the car!" She huffs and leaves with her expensive bag. I look at the man and offer "Do you want a paracetamol and a drink to take with it?".

He laughs which brightens my day, I like cheering people up "It's ok I'll take one when I get home but thank you" When he stands up I remember something "Oh and by the way we do takeouts here so you can pick anything on the menu and you can take it with you".

I see the slight hesitation in his eyes "You know what screw it I will have the bangers and mash" I smile and write down the order "Ok sir it will be with you shortly".

Making my way to the kitchen I rip off the paper and clip it to the line for the chefs to see and make. Going back to the floor I look around and see a man sat by himself in the dark corner where the teens like to secretly make out.

He seems lonely, I can't really see him properly because of the lighting but I can see he's wearing a hoodie with the hood up. At the table I greet him.

"Hello sir my name is Evangelina and welcome to Ambrose, can I get you anything?" He lifts his head but I can't see his facial features. "May I have a strawberry milkshake?" I happily write that down.

"Ok sir it will be with you shortly" I go to the milkshake machine because the chefs only cook where as the waitresses can make the coffee, tea, milkshakes etc.

Strawberry milkshake is my favourite. I'm on my break in a few minutes so I then can get one for myself. Arriving at the table I say "Here you go sir enjoy" And place the milkshake on the table.

He's gone.

I look around the restaurant and place a hand on my hip "Huh" I say in confusion but I shake it off. Taking the milkshake off the table I see a folded piece of paper with the money on top that's in the good lighting side of the table.

'Um ok?'.

I unfold the paper which says.


What a beautiful name you have, with a pure personality, you resemble an angel...

But I know you're secretly a demon, a seductress. You have thoughts that normal people shouldn't have.

I will awaken your true side.

And we shall rule together.

My little ember.

P.S Enjoy the milkshake.

My breath hitches, my hands trembling as the words frighten me to my core. I crumple the alarming note up in my hand and pick up the milkshake which I'm going to throw away.


I really do like strawberry milkshakes, and no-ones having it. It'll be a waste. I look at the time and see it's my break. Walking into the kitchen, when I'm about to chuck the note in the bin I think.

'That note was kind of, sweet'.

I feel heat rising to my cheeks.

'Should I keep it?'.

But I push that thought away.

'A normal person would be petrified, they wouldn't accept the milkshake from a creepy admirer'.

Well don't get me wrong I'm still spooked.

'A normal person wouldn't blush, and think about keeping the note'.

But I think back to his words.

I know you're secretly a demon, a seductress. You have thoughts normal people shouldn't have.

I place the note in my pocket. He's right.

'I'm not normal'.

Unknown Person

Seeing her blush and placing the note in her pocket made my black heart beat.

Originally I knew I was obsessed with her, but seeing this, hearing her angelic voice...

This is love at first sight.

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