Find Him

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It's been one week and it has been, nice but strange it feels like we're in a relationship.

He's only been at work twice this week. He told me that there's a murderer in the hospital, the extra two bodies shows the same. There's a pattern.

Men from the ages of early to late twenties, dark brown hair and blue eyes. Now the motive we've been brainstorming but nothing, until an idea pops up in my head "Can you pass me my laptop?" He does.

Opening it up I type in 'Doctor Jones' and 'Fewton Royal Hospital' I want to see if this rules him out. It shows his picture and status which is the head doctor and his full name.

Alex Jones.

I type in his name and so many articles appear.

'The Jones Fire'.

I click on it "I found something" He lays down next to me and we read, the article was published in 2021.

A beautiful home in the suburbs in Yorkshire has mysteriously caught on fire, neighbours had to quickly evacuate their homes as the fire had spread so quickly. The fire department said it was very difficult to put out. They still don't know the cause.

The residents were the Jones family. Alex Jones who had a wife Tracy Jones and was the father of two children, Amanda who was seventeen and Allen who was twenty five.

Allen and Tracy sadly died in the fire, Alex the father managed to get out with his daughter Amanda but later on died from smoke inhalation.

There was suspicion that Alex Jones may have started the fire-

I had to quickly stop and look at him "Now we know who started the fire" We snicker at my comment then carry on reading.

The neighbours next door have heard the mention of fire but were not sure who mentioned it.

Alex Jones roams free as there was no evidence of him causing the fire, during his time in the interrogation room the police had said that there didn't seem to be any motive.

Apart from the one mention of fire they were a peaceful family, were active in the community and donated money regularly to charity.

To this day the fire remains a mystery.

There are pictures of the family and I know exactly what Doctor Jones's motive is.

His son Allen has dark brown hair and blue eyes whereas his wife and daughter who sadly passed were brown hair and brown eyes.

"I bet you a tenner that Allen was a trouble maker, it's commen that families who are wealthy and live in the suburbs are perfect on the outside but, you don't know what lies behind closed doors".

He hums "Guessing by the photo you can see in his eyes that he isn't happy, he looks dead inside behind that smile" I turn off my laptop "Doctor Jones blames the fire on his son, when he became a doctor he sees men who resemble his son, he loses it and kills them discreetly. Boom done mic drop!".

I do the action with my free hand "We should be mystery solvers or something, we can catch killers" I trail off and chuckle "Killers catching killers, isn't that something?" He smiles and turns his body towards me at me "That would be something".

He has his mask on so I can't see his reaction, when he brought me home he quickly went to his and placed his mask on, since it was dark outside and barely anyone around it was ok.

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