Doctor Jones

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I've been a zombie all morning. On my way to work this morning I've been remembering more and more of yesterday's event, it's scares me.

Because I didn't regret it.

And his note.

My little ember,

You must feel confused so I'll help you.

We burned that disgusting pig after you sawed off his hands and physically took out his eyes after you, you asked for my help.

All of it was your idea, and it was fucking hot.

It was like you were a different person, you said you felt high, that's how I felt when I committed my first murder.

I kept the eyes as our first trophy together, you agreed which sent me over the moon. You are the one for me, and I am the one for you.

I can't wait for our next victim.

I'll see you soon.

From your beloved.

What shocked me was when he said it was my idea.

Serving tables with a smile it's a nice calm day, barely anyone and quiet voices, it's a Tuesday and it normally gets busy from Wednesday to Friday. I'm not sure about the weekends since I only work on weekdays but I'm sure it's busy too.

I'm thinking about visiting Jake today I haven't seen him in almost four weeks. It's decided and maybe I'll see my parents, I wonder what they're like now, are they real? Or are they still fake?

I think the latter. I'll visit around half four since Jake finishes school at three I'll give him an hour and a half to chill from the busy day he's most likely having.

It's quarter to three and I'm on my way home. I have a shower, get changed and make some food which is a ham, cheese and lettuce sandwich with salad cream with a packet of cheese and onion crisp.

I leave at twenty past four and take a slow walk, I grin seeing a dog walker walking a lot of dogs, the leashes are wrapped around her and she tries to get out of them.

I stop to help her and she was very grateful for my act of kindness I wish her a good luck which makes her laugh and we part ways.

She was very attractive and had a beautiful laugh.

'I should've asked for her number'.

But I don't think that'll be a good idea if he finds out I don't think it'll end well.

Outside the door I ready myself and place a fake smile on my face since it'll be one of my parents answering. I knock twice one the door it opens and my mother's mouth drops but quickly picks it up again "Oh Lina how nice it is to see you".

She doesn't open the door further to let me in "Hi mum, I thought I'd just pop round to visit you guys, it's been so long" She reluctantly opens the door further for me to step in "Oh why didn't you call us in advance".

'Because I know you'll make an excuse'.

I give her a big squeeze "I thought it would be a nice surprise" Her chuckle is fake, I pull away from the hug that I hoped hurt her just a bit. She clears her throat.

"Why don't you sit in the living room" We walk to the once cozy living room, and place my bag on the single sofa. It was no longer cozy when I found out about their fake love "Who is it?" I hear my father in the living room.

"It's our daughter" He snaps his head up from his newspaper, when his eyes meet mine he lets out a strained smile "She's come to surprise us with a small visit" I go to hug my father "Hey dad how's it going" He glances at mother "You know same old same old".

"I'll be right back I'm just going to see Jake" They don't say anything as I jog upto his room. I knock on his door "Come in" I walk in with a smile.

His face shows shock when he sees me "Hey Lina" He stands up to hug me which I return "Hey Jakey, I thought I'd just give a little visit see how you all are doing" We have a simple conversation such as.

How's school, how's home been, asked if they've been pressuring him again which he replied with a very quick no.

'They have'.

"Dinner's ready!" We hear our mother shout. Making our way down she smiles at Jake but when she sees me "Oh, I forgot you were here" Her smile is so fucking fake but I return it "I'm sorry Lina, we only made enough for three so I guess you'll have to go home but it was very nice seeing you. Give us a call the next time you come round".

I nod "Don't worry I will do" I give all three of them a hug before leaving.

Breathing in the fresh air I genuinely smile as I'm about to cross the road, I loved seeing their faces "Lina! You forgot your bag!" I turn to see Jake outside the house holding up my bag.

His eyes go wide as saucers "Lina watch out!" The next thing I know I'm off my feet and I roll on the ground, I cough and see a little blood. My body feels like it's been it by a truck, I manage somehow to turn my head and look to my right.

It's a fucking car.

It zooms off and the last thing I see is Jake kneeling next to me and my parents running and calling the ambulance, I can't hear their voices then a second later I black out.

I wake up to a beeping noise, my eyes flutter open and I quickly close them as the light is too bright. Trying again I open them and blink a few times, I hear a door open but I can't really turn my head to the side. I think I'm wearing a neck brace.

A man stands at the bottom of the bed so I have a clear view of him, he has brown hair and crows feet around his eyes as he's smiling, there's something creepy about him.

'Maybe it's the smile'.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Jones".

'Doctor Jones, Jones, calling Doctor Jones, Doctor Jones, Doctor Jones wake up now! Wake up now!'.

God I love aqua.

(Fucking Clubland classic! If you don't know this song then I feel old as fuck, for those who have you are legends.

I still feel like shit so if this isn't great or if there's any mistakes please let me know.

Also please vote, share, comment and add to your reading lists 🔪 )

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