The Awakening

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Walking out of the restaurant I close my eyes and smile when I inhale the fresh air.

It only takes me about five minutes to get home. I'm happy to live in a small local town, everybody knows everybody so it's a safe community where people can leave their doors open.

The only time people get weary is when bypasses come by, the people here aren't exactly welcoming to new people even if their staying in a B&B for a night which I think is rude of them.

But it is what it is, I like bypasses because you don't know them and they tell you interesting stories.

You get some rude ones like the woman, I think her name was Karen? But her husband was nice, I wonder how they got together.

I open the front door, now at home. I am blessed with the smell of lasagne. I adore pasta. I go to the kitchen to see my mum and dad laughing as they make the salad.

I grin at their playful behaviour "Hey mum, hey dad" They both look over to me "Hey sweetie how was work?" They both say in unison.

They are so close they say things at the same time and they can finish each others sentences. They met in college and were in the same course which was photography.

They worked on a project together and sparks flew. They've been together ever since. Their relationship is pure.

'I wish I can have the same relationship with somebody one day'.

I move the strap on my bag back on my shoulder since it was slipping off "It was good actually".

My mind goes to the note that instantly gives me butterfly's "Nothing really happened today but it was good" My mum starts cutting the tomatoes.

"That's great to hear! Why don't you go upstairs and get out of your work clothes, dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes" I reply with "Ok" and jog upstairs wanting to get into comfortable clothing.

Walking down the hallway I pass my brothers room hearing him scream "Die!" Multiple times. He's always on his X-Box.

Remembering that he had a test today I decide to ask him how it went. Taking a few steps back I knock on the door to hear a moody "What!".

Opening the door his door I stand in the doorway "Hey Jake how did the test go?" He sighs loudly showing his annoyance.

"Can't you see I'm playing a game? God you always interrupt me when I'm playing".

'That's because you're always on your X-Box'.

Pressing the buttons violently he says "Can't you just fuck off? Jesus christ" I clench my fists feeling my sharp nails digging into my palms trying not to show my anger.

My little brother interrupts me as I'm about to say something "God are you going to stay there you retarded freak? Go draw with some crayons".

I'm used to be called a freak, especially by him. Strangely I was born with crimson red hair and apparently that makes me a freak.

He also calls me retarded because I failed my GCSE'S, I didn't understand anything the teachers said, they changed subjects so quick even when I just about got it.

Not wanting to hear anymore of his insults I walk away "Close the door!" I smirk and walk back to his room.

"Hey Jake why don't you close the door you lazy little shit, it won't hurt you doing some exercise" I emphasised on 'you'.

My eyes widen as I walk away, I never talked back to him let alone curse at him I just tried to ignore it and walk away.

'What the hell?'.

I drop my bag on my bed and take my shoes off, feeling the relief is so satisfying. Taking my work clothes off, I just put on leggings and a plain dark green top with ankle socks. I go to my vanity mirror that has a little stool to go with it.

Looking at my reflection I groan, my bright emerald eyes scan my unusual crimson hair and face. Grabbing the hairbrush on the right side I style my hair into a high ponytail.

I huff once I'm done, some parts of my hair is lumpy and not smooth like I wanted it to be. I like everything to be perfect. This isn't perfect.

My head snaps to my door when I hear my dad shout "Dinner's ready!".

Walking out of my room I see my brother close his door, getting close to the stairs he says "Fucking freak".

I lose it.

When he's about to take his first step down.

'I think this fucker needs to learn a lession'.

I take the oppertunity to 'lightly' push him, he screams whilst tumbling down the hard wood stairs, when he hits the bottom of the stairs I hear a crack.

I chuckle but instantly put the concerned look on my face and race downstairs, kneeling next to him my mum and dad bolt in "Oh my god what happened?!" Jack sobs and points to me "L-Lina did it".

"Don't blame your sister you know she'd never do anything like that!" My mum scrambles up from the floor "He's got a broken leg and a cut on his forehead, Harry call the ambulance I'll get the first aid kit!".

They run off leaving us alone "You should be more careful! Let me look at your head" His eyes show that he is petrified of me.

I hold his head and press my thumbnail into his cut, when he's about to scream I put my hand on his mouth, removing my nail from his head I say.

"You know it's not nice to call your sister names" He doesn't say anything just looks at me with tears streaming down his face and fear.

"Let me look at your leg" I squeeze his broken leg and cover his mouth again feeling his screams vibrate against my palm, he passes out from the pain.

"MUM! DAD!" I shout for them, not long after the ambulance comes and takes him away.

'He deserved it'.

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