Chapter 33

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Harun and Thaina had arrived first.

Queen Humayra was silently sobbing on one side whilst the Head Physician monitored the King's pulse.

"Faint but ever present,"

A sigh of relief drifted across the room just as Abbas and Haifa burst through the doors. With all members present, the Head Physician informed them that the King was currently hovering between consciousness which was a normal sign of fighting off the spicklefruit. Despite having taken the antidote, the poison had already corrupted his body.

The two Princes and their wives drew closer and settled around the cot of the King. Harun held onto his mother's hands as she gripped onto her husband's. The sight of his father in such a vulnerable and weak state was an idea so foreign to him. King Ilyaas was always a figure that allured power and strength, undetermined to even let his family get in between his duties for the people. But now before them lay an aged man, the wrinkles around his eyes and the striations of silver on his beard ever more apparent.

The King's eyes remained closed for the following hours, even after the Head Physician had left them. As they sat waiting, a thick silence of unspoken worries blanketed them. The night stretched on.

"The Palace is no longer safe," Abbas muttered, the only one amongst them confident enough to break the silence. "First the break-in and now this? It must be the same perpetrator."

Harun glanced at his brother, then at the exhausted faces of his mother, sister-in-law and wife.

"I wish to speak to Abbas in private."

Everyone turned to him with confusion lining their faces.

Thaina touched his arm. "What-"

Harun turned away from her to his mother. He couldn't bear to let her eyes sway his resolve.

"Mama, take Thaina and Haifa to rest. Abbas and I will stay with Baba."

Queen Humayra wiped the sleep from her eyes but remained reluctant to answer.

"Please," Harun begged.

With a sigh of understanding, his mother nodded silently and gathered herself off the bed.

"I will not be long," Abbas whispered to Haifa who then rose from her seat and took the Queen's hands.

Thaina clutched Harun's hands pleadingly but when he still did not meet her eyes, a sharp pain stabbed her chest and she let go.

Harun waited until the doors clicked shut behind them before addressing Abbas'speculation.

"It would be too much for them to bear this conversation, especially for Mama," Harun affirmed.

Abbas nodded. He brought both hands to his face and wiped, taking extra care over the scarred side, and then ran a hand through his dishevelled hair.

"We must investigate discreetly," He stated. "If we bring too much attention to this, I fear the perpetrator will drive a direct hit,"

Harun nodded. "They have eyes inside the Palace, so we must be careful with whom we share this plan. In the meantime, we must appear to be distracted with the King's recovery."

"I agree, but we must double our security. Any member of our family could be targeted. Even those residing outside the-"

"We mustn't inform them just yet." Harun interrupted.

Abbas speculated on his brother's statement.

"You don't mean-"

A wheezing sound disrupted them. The brothers froze and looked at their father's laying figure. King Ilyaas had awakened but was struggling to keep his eyes open. His lips moved ever so slightly but barely any sound escaped.

Harun and Abbas knelt closer to him.

"Baba!" they both called out, clutching onto his chilly hands. The King gripped back lightly.

"I-I-" his voice had become more stable. "I f-fear that the enemy-" King Ilyaas paused trying to catch his breath.

"I-is closer than we t-think," he continued.

Harun and Abbas remained silent, exchanging doubtful looks.

"H-Harun is right. W-we must not let the others know j-just yet,"

"I will lead this investigation with my dearest and most trustworthy men," Abbas stated.

"You must rest Baba, Abbas and I have this under control," Harun assured.

The King closed his eyes. "I fear my greed h-has provoked this,"

Harun lowered his head.

"My greed had m-made me hold onto the crown for too long," Ilyaas paused, but his grip on Harun's hand strengthened.

"My son,"

Harun lifted his gaze to his father's. An unfamiliar warmth radiated from them which constricted his chest.

"The crown is y-yours,"

Harun's heart began to race. He had waited years for the day his father would say these words. He had been preparing all his life but why did it bring so much fear to him now?

"You must ascend the throne in my place," King Ilyaas confirmed, in a resolute tone. "Abbas-"

"Yes, Baba."

"You are a witness to this oath, you must support your brother,"


The corner of the King's mouth rose for a split second before he resumed a serious expression.

"Prepare for the coronation of the new King."


On her first week at the Palace, things had already gone haywire. With the news of the King's alleged poisoning, all the maids and servants, except Meena, had started avoiding Salma.

Of course, they would think it was her.

To make things worse, the Visier had thrown a fuss, refusing to return to Rughad without her. With every moment he had with the Princes, he shamelessly pleaded to see the King despite his condition.

Thankfully, she was safely beside the Princess, but the pain in her chest had not diminished yet.

She still thought of him now and then, hated how she missed him. Her nights were spent in tears before she collected herself again, ready for her duties as the new handmaiden of the wife to the Prince.

As she returned with Meena to their quarters, she was informed of the latest news. With his sudden deterioration in health, the King had arranged for the Crown Prince's coronation to take place in a week's time. Balqaas was to have a new king. And then there was gossip about the alliance marriage with the Kingdom of Rughad.

Salma sneered at the near thought of it.

Just when she thought her life was finally rid of all the drama, the Princess had assigned her an important task, which would mark the beginning of a new future for Kingdom of Balqaas.

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