Chapter 16

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It was the morning of Kawthar's wedding day. Close members of the family had joined together at the Masjid to witness the Nikaah, Diya and her parents included.

Haifa had also joined them, coming straight from the Palace in a heavily escorted palanquin (arranged by Abbas of course), which had brought in some excitement from family as well as the townspeople. Haifa had originally asked for a simple carriage or at the very least, a single horse but the Prince had given her a bewildered look as if she were speaking a foreign language. He stated how he would never in a million years, let her do such a thing because it was 'like you are travelling around with a target board stuck on your body', his exact words.

She tried her best to hold in her laughter because of how serious he looked, but when Haifa saw the readied palanquin this morning, with an entourage big enough to be a small army, she realised how serious Abbas was.

And it was because of her dear husband's (paranoia) love for her, that Haifa had a dozen people come to greet her the moment she stepped out, delaying her from entering the Masjid. Luckily, she hadn't missed the Nikaah ceremony altogether, taking a seat on the carpet beside her mother and sister, who were listening to the Imaam read verses of the Quran.

They whispered quick salaams to each other, before Kawthar and her fiancé were called to the front to start. After discussing the Mahr, and accepting vows, everyone cheered and congratulated the new couple, before making ways back to their own homes to get ready for the Walimah.

The girls in the family all left for Kawthar's house, where it was a custom for the women to get the bride ready together. Haifa looked forward to it the most, especially because it wasn't possible during her wedding.

The entire house was filled with an excited buzz, family members mainly rushing in and out with clothes or food trays in their arms.

"It definitely was a good idea to come in our outfits." Diya whispered to her sister. Haifa smiled in response as they made their way through the house.

"Girls you're here!" their aunt Sara greeted, dressed in matching colours. She gave them quick hugs and ushered them into the main room.

When Haifa and Diya entered, the living room of her cousin's house had completely transformed. All the Majlis cushions had been pushed to the middle and joined together so that in the centre was a large seating area for the girls to sit. Surrounded by a group of excited giggling girls, sat Kawthar, her eyes closed as Layla gently dabbed glittery powder for a ceramic pot on her.

"Haifa, can you take over for me?" Layla requested, "I am the least ready out of everyone, and if Mama sees me, she will go ballistic! I've done her makeup, all she needs is a little help to put her dress on."

"Sure," she replied and led Kawthar to her room upstairs to change. Diya stayed downstairs to help the others finish up and tidy the space.

As Haifa laced the strings at the back of her dress, Kawthar fell into a nervous silence.

"Feeling alright?" Haifa asked.

"Hm?" Kawthar hummed, snapping out of her thoughts. "Yeah, just can't believe it's really happening. I'm really getting married."

"Yes, you are Azeezati. You are finally getting married to the man you have been crushing on for years." Haifa smiled, teasing her cousin to lighten up the mood.

"Oh please, Amr liked me first!" Kawthar retaliated, blushing slightly.

"Indeed?" Haifa joked, using her husband's teasing line. The Prince was really rubbing off on her.

"On the topic of marriage," Kawthar started successfully steering away from the topic. "Did you hear about Khalid? I'm sure everyone in our family knows now that mama has told the aunts."

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