Chapter 9

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"In the name of God, the Most Gracious and most Merciful, we shall commence the meeting of the fifth lunar month, Jumad Al-Awwal." King Ilyaas announced, before taking a seat on his throne.

Noblemen and government officials had all assembled today in the throne room, as they did every tenth day of each month, to discuss the happenings within Balqaas. This included the financial trade, crime, agricultural and political cases that had occurred.

Harun observed carefully by the seat on the left of his father, knowing one day, he would have to take a lead of the meeting. Usually, Abbas would attend too but the Crown Prince had left his poor brother to the company of mountains of reports. His little brother had only managed to get through half of his father's reports and that was with his help.

Alhamdulillah, things were running smoothly within Balqaas, but the same could not be said with what was happening outside. Political affairs were always the highlight of the discussion, and over the years it was becoming evident to Harun that Balqaas was a target to many nations around the Peninsula, an issue that dated back to the founding of his home.

"For now, a truce has been enacted with Rughad but we do not know how long things will remain peaceful," the Minister of external affairs affirmed.

"We cannot trust that man they call King. He may have agreed to a cease-fire but he may be scheming against us, for all we know,"

Everyone nodded, their worried mumbles drifting throughout the court.

"During this truce, we shouldn't become too comfortable and let down our guards," King Ilyaas boomed the crowd hushing respectively. "Every member in this hall has a responsibility in protecting our beloved nation and its people, from enemy threat. I trust you all to never let your guard down."

In unison, every attending nobleman responded proudly.

To conclude, they all ended with a prayer to their Lord for the safety and flourishment of their country, before the crowd dispersed, only the brothers, uncles, cousins and nephews of the King remaining to discuss the events within the family. As much as Harun loved hearing about the occurrences of his cousins and nephews, he disliked how the happy atmosphere would twist into an unbreathable one, just like it was about to now.

"What of the Royal family? I take it Prince Abbas is settling well with his wife?" spoke Uthman, the King's cousin.

"Alhamdulillah, all is well," His father replied, giving him a short-lived smile.

"And what of Princess Thaina?" inquired Harun's eldest uncle Faris, and Harun flinched at the mention of his wife. "Is she to bear a child, the next King of Balqaas?"

All eyes turned to Harun, including his father's, as they awaited his answer.

"We are still praying for one, and if God wills, one day," Harun started, politely addressing his uncle, however, Faris interrupted him.

"Has it not been four years since you betrothed her? Our country's future depends on this, and we have waited for too long."

The Crown Prince sighed, shutting his eyes, trying to control his anger. "Yes, but in the end it is-"

"Harun, if her fertility is a problem, then we must make a decision to overcome this obstacle," another Uncle said, earning a few nods from the others.

"No that is not the-"

"Her body must be too weak for motherhood. Nevertheless, there are other ways, for example, the Crown Prince can acquire a consort,"

Many others jeered in agreement.

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