Chapter 37

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Harun pinched the bridge of his nose, hoping it would rid the pounding in his head. Adjusting the Agal on his head, he sighed, rubbing his stinging eyes. He wished to lean back in his seat for a minute, but Harun knew if he did, he wouldn't be able to control his eyes from shutting.

He couldn't sleep just yet. There was still so much he had to do and too many important meetings he couldn't afford to miss. The recent combination of events had made everyone in the city on edge. The people began to talk about the lack of security within the Palace and on the streets of Balqaas. He had already spoken to many Ministers and Government officials and already the new plans for increasing safety were put into action.

At first, Harun had tried his best to keep it away from his father but the stress had become too much for him to bear alone, and so last night, he sought his father's advice.

"It is my fault," Ilyaas rasped. "I had been oblivious to all of this and now that you have become King, it has fallen to you,"

"What should I do Baba?" Harun choked, clasping his father's cold hand. His father's face lacked colour and energy and a tremor would sometimes have his body trembling in a cold shiver. The man laying in front of him now was nothing to the stern, hard-headed man he knew his father to be.

"This problem can no longer be hidden, we must inform all members of the royal family before they are targetted too. We must confront the enemy."

Just like his father had suggested, he had summoned all members of the royal family to the Throne room. As the room filled, Harun waited from his seat on the Throne as his family members came to greet him before taking their seats on either side. The woman of the family sat to his left whilst the male members sat to his right. He glanced to his left where Thaina sat in front with Haifa and his mother by her side. They were engrossed in chatter with a few of his cousins. Then he glanced to his right, finding his father-in-law, uncles and male cousins seated.

Once it was evident that no more people would be joining, Harun nodded to the guards by the door and they proceeded to exit, shutting the doors behind them.

"In the name of our Lord, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful, I would like to thank you all for attending this meeting on such short notice," Harun greeted. The room was hushed to an anticipating silence. "I am sure you all have heard about the recent events that have transpired. The reason I have summoned my dear family is that I wish to inform you that I am utilising all of my time to find the culprit who has been targeting the Royal Family,"

As the young King continued to speak, Haifa clenched her fist, glancing to where the men sat, her eyes falling on a particular individual. In her grasp, she held Junayd's letter, the letter that would prove his crime. Faris Ibn Al Khalifa bore an expressionless face, contrary to the concerned looks of his family.

Once Harun had finished his say, he raised the floor for questions. As usual, only hands from the men's side rose.

"How have we implemented protecting our borders since the Palace attack? We must prevent incidents of intruders easily entering,"

"You are correct, Ammu. Since the Palace attack, I have spoken with the Minister of Defense on multiple occasions and we have concluded using a form of identification for those entering and staying. A daily report will also be filled out by our patrol team,"

"How is your father's health?"

"Thank you Khala, for asking. My father's health will never return to the way it was. The poison has caused destruction and we fear that it will only get worse,"

Murmurs spread around the room.

"And what of our nephew, Prince Abbas. How is the situation in Rughad?"

Written In The ScarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon