Chapter 5

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Haifa couldn't stop her legs from shaking as she and her parents made their way to the Palace. Originally, they had planned on riding Tuffaha there, but when they opened the front door to leave, in front of their house stood a horse-pulled carriage built from the finest wood she had ever seen. Alluring decorations of gold painted the sides, each window concealing the inside with a thin paper-like material. On the side waved the emblem of the royal family, a sign to mark their property. An ivory horse stood positioned in front, its body clamped to the carriage and sat on it, was a man wearing the royal uniform.

The carriage had brought the attention of the neighbours, who had stepped out of the houses to see what all the fuss was about. Haifa wished to cover her face, especially when the whispering began.

When the rider noticed their presence, he climbed down from the mare and opened the door to the carriage, gesturing for them to enter. Haifa's surprised eyes met her father's, who chuckled at her reaction.

"Ladies first," he said, imitating the uniformed man.

Haifa took slow steps towards the carriage, her parents following behind. Using the step attached to the exterior, she climbed in and sat on the plush red cushions. Her mother sat beside her, placing a comforting hand on her shaking fingers, whilst her father sat opposite them, his back towards the front. The inside was more spacious than it looked and held enough space for the three of them to sit opposite each other without their knees touching. Each seat had been lined with red velvet, and the curtains had been drawn, which she was thankful for. She couldn't imagine the things her neighbours were saying about her as they watched her and her parents mount the carriage.  Once they had settled in their seats, the rider shut the door.

Yumna pulled up the paper curtains on her side and spotted Diya waving goodbye from the door.

"Good luck!" She bellowed as the carriage began to move forward.

Haifa gave her a shaky wave until Diya was out of view. She sat back, her fingers brushing over the velvet seats, hoping the touch would calm her rapidly beating heart. This was really happening. She was really going to the Palace!

The horse started trotting, pulling the carriage faster along the dusty roads of Balqaas City. Haifa felt slightly nauseous, this being her first time moving in a confined space and she pulled up the paper cover to reveal the outside, a cool breeze gliding past her face. Outside, the streets whizzed by as they made their way to the centre of the city where the Palace stood.

"Haifa," her mother's voice came and she turned to face her.


"You will be fine, Azeezati,"

Haifa felt a wave of emotion hit her but she blinked back the tears. Instead, she leaned against her mother's shoulder and smiled at her father, each hand clasping her parents, their touch comforting her thrumming heartbeat.

After some time, the carriage slowed down. Haifa peered out and noticed the towering golden gates that blocked their path. They had arrived at the royal gates.

She let out an anxious breath.

As they passed through the gates, a path of stone navigated them uphill.  Haifa noticed the lush greenery lining the path, made of all sorts of shrubbery. The path became wider and wider until it opened up, revealing a vast expanse of land overlooked by the Palace. Positioned in the middle, was a gigantic marble fountain mirroring the same structure in the city square.

But Haifa hadn't noticed it because behind the fountain stood the entrance of the Palace, its roof and walls made of a sand coloured brick, a labyrinth of swirls carved into each one. As she stepped out of the carriage, her butterflies had been replaced by astonishment. What had her in awe was the cream stone that held up the arch of the entrance, sixteen in total each bearing different colours and swirls of grey.

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