Chapter 30

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"It can't be true!"

King Ilyaas turned to his cousin, Prince Dawud. "It is a fair offer, don't you think?"

"But, Your Highness, don't you find it strange that all of a sudden the King wants peace?" came a voice amongst the crowd of Royals.

The King met his eldest brother's eyes, Faris Ibn Al Khalifa. "We should be grateful for this chance and take it before he changes his mind,"

"The Crown Prince, what are his thoughts on this?"

All eyes turned to the Crown Prince, who had his head down. However, Harun was in his own world of thoughts, trapped within a whirlwind of opinions.

"Ya Akhi," Abbas whispered, patting his brother's arm.

Harun gazed up and around at the eager eyes. "I-"

I don't know, admitted the voice in his head.

"Don't you find it strange that the King of Rughad wants you to marry his daughter?"

"No," Harun sighed. "That is how alliances have been formed in the past. From a marriage,"

"But you have a wife," His uncle Faris added.

"And our religion permits us to have four, no?" The King replied. "I understand that you all feel hesitant, but have you thought about how this alliance will be beneficial to us? I'm sure my son understands this,"

Harun gazed at his father before helplessly turning away. As much as he was against the marriage, he understood what his father meant. An alliance would annul the decade-long feud between the two nations, enhancing the political status of Balqaas. With a neighbouring ally, his home would be protected against other larger nations.

"My father is right, we should welcome this alliance,"

The court was silent, then heads began to nod in agreement and the air filled with a hush chatter.

"Very well then, we shall accept this offer. Harun, are you willing to take his daughter's hand? "His father boomed.

No. "Yes,"

King Ilyaas nodded. "And as for the criminal, his execution is set for tomorrow morning. The woman is to return with the Visier back to Rughad,"


Time was lost to Salma as she sat in the dimly lit prison, crouched by the damp wall with her head in her knees. A tray of food lay beside her, the bowl of gruel untouched whilst the leather water sack was completely parched of water. Fatigue and exhaustion pulled her in and out of sleep, yet she refused to rest, afraid of what the future would bring.

The sound of footsteps approached her and she lifted her head to find the figures of three men on the other side. Instantly, she regretted showing interest as the features of the well-dressed man became familiar to her.

"Well, well, well," smirked the Visier. "It has been too long Sayidati,"

Fire flamed in her eyes as she glared at him.

"What are you doing here?"

"If I recall, you were sentenced to a beheading. However, returning with me to Rughad would exempt you from it,"

"I would rather face my punishment than go back," Salma gritted.

"You ungrateful wench," The Visier spat. "I am saving your life!"

"A life I would rather die than have to live through!"

"Well you don't have a choice, I am bringing you back. His Highness has approved of it,"

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