The hot tea

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The next morning, y/n did not hear the alarm so she woke up late. Her father had already left, so she got dressed quickly, she pulled on a ponytail and went to the circuit taking away a croissant which she ate in the car. It was very cold that morning, even though she didn't feel it, since she did everything in a rush. She arrived at the circuit, and she run directly on her McBook, trying to make up for lost time; she almost greeted no one while entering the paddock and she did not even notice that her father have been watching her."Good morning y/n" her father told her as he popped up on the other side of her computer screen."Good morning dad" said  y/n continuing to work."Max was looking for you this morning, now he's in the garages, go to him" Christian was banging his knuckles on y/n's work table, as if to annoy her, he succeeded. 

She waited for her father to leave, than she went into Max's garage to see what he needed. She moved among the mechanics and engineers who greeted her as soon as she passed by them and y/n responded politely to their greetings. From a distance he finally saw Max drinking a Redbull from the usual bottle with a long straw, he had a white cloth around his neck, certainly he already had the preparatory training done.
Y/n stopped a bit to look at him from a distance and she could not see a single thing that she liked about him. She could't help it. She shaked off these thoughts and walked over Max.

"Hey y/n!" she saw the way his eyes lit up as they saw her. For a moment she shivered with fear behind her back."They told me you were looking for me. Tell me everything" said y/n trying to act as much professional as possible."Yes, I know you did everything in a hurry this morning, I saved you a croissant in my fitting room" Max said pointing to the small room where pilots usually change and wear suits to drive."You have been very kind, Max." she didn't have the courage to tell him she'd already had breakfast, so she just smiled at him.

All morning y/n did nothing but working alone. She loved working like this, but during the race weekends she loved working in the midst of the noise of the cars. Today, however, she had such a bad headache that she had to leave the pits to work in the engineering room.She spent few hours in the office, than she decided to go up to the restaurant area and eat something, although she had no desire to do so. On her way to the restaurant she begged not to meet Max or her father or anyone who could talk to her. Luckily for her she didn't meet anyone, so she went into the restaurant and, once she got something to eat, she walked through an empty table.

She was used to see all the people who worked around her dressed in blue, the color of Redbull uniforms, but a person dressed in red caught y/n's attention. He was leaning with both elbows on the window, looking outside on the pitlane, he stood silently looking out. 

He was turning his back to y/n, so she couldn't see who he was. She looked at him for a moment. He didn't look like a Ferrari mechanic, he was wearing jeans and a red jacket. For a second y/n gasped, she figured out who was the person in front of her. She looked over his big shoulder, despite the fact that he was wearing the jacket and then the back of his head. All Formula 1 drivers must have a muscular and trained neck, but his neck left her breathless somehow.

Y/n cleared her throat, attracting the attention of the boy who turned to her calmly, as if he already knew who was calling him."what are you doing here?" said y/n whispering. His gaze immediately flooded her. Those eyes, so big and so deep that hadn't allowed her to fall asleep last night, now were in front of her again. Her heart was beating very fast, he kinda intimidated her, but she didn't know if it was in a good or in a bad way. His eyes seemed to shine in the sunlight, as did his hair. Black and soft, a tuft fell on his forehead and for a moment y/n thought he was looking at something perfect. He was shaved and his face looked so soft in her eyes but, at the same time, it looked strong and powerful. She didn't know what was happening to her.

"Good morning to you" he replied, as if y/n's question had never been asked to him. He raised an eyebrow and then smiled a little before turning back to look out the glass."You can't stay here, how did you get in?" y/n kept asking him questions that he ignored."I like this view, I can see my car from here!" Carlos said taking a sip of hot tea from a cup stolen from the Redbull's dining area, y/n recognized the paper cup. She didn't know how, but not only he managed to get in, but he also served himself at the bar. 

The thought of him sneaking around the Redbull zone just to see her, suddenly excited y/n for a second. Then she came to her senses.

"You have to get out of here, Carlos" said y/n. He turned to her, looked around for a moment, nobody was in the restaurant. He was taller than her so his gaze was even powerful for her, she felt like she was surrounded by his halo. He finally took a step back from her and spoke.

"Alright, alright, I'm going away. I'll knock on your room by 9pm" after he said that, he walked away from her with a mischievous smile, one of those who knew what he was doing; he went down the restaurant stairs almost hopping on the steps and disappeared from y/n's view.

She had completely forgotten about the bet she lost with him and thought she didn't have any nice clothes with her that she could wear for the dinner. Then she suddenly froze, she couldn't think about those things, she didn't have the time. However, she was still thinking about how Carlos had managed to sneak into the Redbull area and she smiled imagining him, confident but at the same time quick and smooth, sliding down the Redbull mechanics and engineers.

As she smiled, Max and her father walked in front of her with trays in their hands. They sat down next to her and her thoughts vanished in a second. They watched her, and their gaze, especially that of her father, seemed to want to shout at her. For a moment y/n wondered what mistake she had made in her work, then she realized that what she feared had just come true.
His father and Max had seen Carlos going down the stairs of the Redbull restaurant. They knew he was here to see her.

Romeo and Juliet || Carlos SainzΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα