The night track

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When y/n returned to her desk, she was still talking with Charles and didn't notice the Post-it at first. She kept on talking with him sitting in the red chair while Charles was sitting on her desk. It was Charles who noticed the yellow paper on her computer.
"Hey, someone left you a message," he said lending her the piece of paper. He had recognized the handwriting, he knew it was Carlos, but he faked and acted a bit lost and curious. She read the message and turned red all of a sudden.

"You have a secret admirer?" he asked with a hint of a smile.
"No, it's just Carlos" She crumpled the paper and throw it away in the bin under the table and looked at Charles who didn't stop looking at her, waiting for her to say something.
"What?" asked y/n feeling observed.
"So? What did he write to you?" he wasn't sure of what he had read, so he was genuinely curious about the message.
"Nothing, he just said he's waiting for me to talk. But I'm not going anywhere" she said opening her laptop, pretending to go back to work.
"You have to go, y/n" Charles' voice was serious, almost severe. She looked up at him, then she looked away, straight to her pc so Charles got down the desk and went away, wishing her a good evening.

She worked very hard for hours and forgot about Carlos's message. She was so focused on her work she forgot it was almost 8 pm. Even if it was late, people were still working like it was early in the morning. They were all focused but some people were about to leave, wearing their coats and switching off their computers. She looked at her phone and nobody had texted or searched for her, so she decided to stay a little longer and work a bit more. After a bit, Charles checked on y/n, sitting again on her work table.
"It's your first day, you don't have to work that much!" he was smiling
"I know, but this place gives me so much energy, I feel like I can sleep here" She smiled while she thought it could have been a good idea, but it was just for a moment.
"Did you talk with Carlos?"
"No, I didn't have the time. I worked all afternoon long" Charles didn't insist further.
"Are you hungry? Me and the others, we're gonna eat some pizza. Wanna come with us?"
"No, I'm fine. I'll finish this and I'll go straight to the hotel, I'm tired. Thank you, Cha" They smiled at each other, then he left, leaving Y/n alone. In a couple of minutes, her office was totally empty, except for her. It was almost 10 pm and the last employee of her sector closed his laptop to go back home. He said "buonanotte" to y/n who answered in Italian, trying to copy his accent.

She looked at her watch, it was very late and maybe it was time to go back to the hotel. Working was for her a way not to think about her father and all the things he hated in her life. It was like a safe place to get lost in, and maybe that's why she dedicated her whole life to studying and working hard. In that situation, in Maranello, she felt like that place could have been her forever job, she felt calm and in peace even if it was her first day. She closed her laptop and put her bottle of water inside her purse when she heard some steps coming from behind. She turned and saw Carlos. He was holding his car keys and his phone but he freeze when he saw her, as much as y/n did.

"hey," said Carlos clearing his throat.
"hey" She forced a smile and even if she didn't want to admit it, seeing Carlos made her feel happy.
"Still here?" ha asked smiling. He wasn't surpised to see her still working.
"Yeah, this place is magical" she said closing her bag.
"I waited for you this afternoon" he used his left finger to point outside, where the track is.
"I know, I'm sorry. I worked all day long..." She was trying so hard not to say she didn't want to.
"Can we talk now?" his voice was shy like he was afraid of saying something wrong for her and turning the situation even worse. She didn't reply so he decided to go away but y/n stopped him.
"Carlos I..." he turned immediately, his eyes glowing under the soft lights of the office.
"I didn't have the chance to see the track outside today..." he smiled at her and waited for her to pack her things. They went out of the building and as soon as they get out, all the lights went off. They looked at each other and smiled. They felt like two thieves sneaking around the building.
"Will we get in trouble for this?" she asked following him
"Well...I don't know, I've never done this before" he smiled looking at her, he felt like a young teenager. They walked a bit, moving away from the main building, then they arrived at the track which was illuminated but empty and quiet.

It was beautiful. She looked all around her and took a deep breath. That landscape was everything she's been living for. Carlos looked at her smiling then he started walking on the track so y/n followed him, in silence. They walked for a bit and everything was magical for y/n. Now and then, Carlos told her some nice anecdotes about Ferrari, about the track or his experience. Nobody was around them, nor a person, nor a car, nor a noise. It was just Carlos, Y/n and a perfect starry sky. All of a sudden, Carlos stopped and lay on the track. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths. The air of Maranello was full of history and energy and she felt like he was trying to inhale all of these things inside of him. She copied him, laying down next to him and closing her eyes. She felt the hot asphalt through her body, she touched it then something squeezed her belly. She immediately looked at Carlos who was sitting on the track smiling at her.

"How dare you?" she pretended to be angry.
"I did nothing, I just did this" he touched her belly again then he started tickling her, getting himself over her body. She tried to defend herself but it was too hard, Carlos had already grabbed her hands with one hand, putting them over her head and with the other hand he tickled all her body smiling. He was very close to her and when his face was a couple of centimetres apart from her face, Carlos stopped and looked at her eyes in silence. His breath was touching her skin and she looked at him, at his eyes, at his lips and she fought against herself not to kiss him. They both get goosebumps all over their bodies. It was like they both wanted to kiss so bad and the tension between their bodies was high. She managed to get one hand free so she touched his chest to defend herself but that defence turned into a caress on his body. His Ferrari t-shirt was messy and his skin was visible so she touched his hip softly. He got goosebumps again, imagining her naked down on him, moaning because of his kisses on her neck, on her body, while y/n imagined her hand going under his shirt, touching his muscles and hair and the fact they were on that track illegally made everything even more forbidden and hot. Suddenly Carlos took a step back and sat down on the track again, looking at the circuit, trying to cool down and breathe. It was unbelievable the effect she had on him.

"I know you saw Isabela around the paddock last weekend" His voice came like thunder to y/n's ears. He took her by surprise and she didn't know what to answer. "it's not how it seems" he continued while y/n remained in silence. He looked at her who was looking away. "He had to come because he's making a collaboration with Ferrari. She signed a contract last year so she has to attend to some of the rac...."
"You didn't tell me" She stopped him all of a sudden. Her gaze was always pointed to the track
"I know, but it was a surprise even for me"
"That's why you disappeared for a week? After what happened in London?"
"'s complicated."
"No, it's easy. You saw her and God knows what you did with her after"
"No..." he tried to stop her from saying nonsense but she kept on talking. "I saw you following her after the picture we took for Charles, then you disappeared. Listen, I don't wanna be the one who ruined a lifelong love story" she felt to throw up for a moment "So if you still love her, please tell me, but don't play with me." her eyes turned red but she managed not to cry for once.
He moved in front of her.
"look at me, y/n" She didn't listen to him, so he took her chin softly and moved her face in front of him. She kept on looking down but he talked looking at her as well "If a couple of months ago somebody had asked me if I would have moved on after Isa's breakup, I would have never believed them. The pain was still hard to process and I can't deny it was the longest relationship of my life. But then you came, with your Red Bull attitude, with your beautiful smile, your talent, your passion, and God, with your body. And you fucked my mind completely."

Y/n looked up at him still mad because he disappeared and didn't tell her about Isa, so Carlos continued his speech like he had read her thoughts. "I was a stupid, an asshole, because as soon as I knew of you seeing Isa, I had to talk with you, like immediately, but I wanted to talk to you in person because I thought you would have gotten mad or misunderstood the situation."
"Well, now I'm mad, Carlos"
"Scusate!" someone gets their attention. There was a mad man far away from them, wearing a blue uniform, he seemed like a cop as he get closer to them. "La fabbrica è chiusa e voi...oh, Sainz!" He wasn't a cop, he was a member of the security. She didn't get a word he said, except for Sainz. Fortunately, Carlos get up immediately and talked to him in Italian. His Hispanic accent was so good while talking in Italian. The security guard left them and Carlos gave her a helping hand to get up. Since he pulled her too fast towards him, their bodies touched and Carlos held her waist with his hand which was as big as her back. She felt protected and small.

"Are we in trouble?" she asked whispering, touching his hand on her waist.
"I am Sainz" he imitated the Italian man's accent "so we can do whatever we want" he smiled "But we have to go now, or he'll call the police" he turned serious all of a sudden but they both laughed. He loved his sense of humour. She shook her head smiling a bit and followed him into his car.

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