The shower

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Y/n run away as far as possible, trying to hide her tears all along the paddock, hitting a lot of guests and mechanics on the way to her car. She entered and turned on her Mercedes, wearing her sunglasses and a Red Bull hat. She begged to don't bump into the paparazzi, especially at the exit of the circuit, but they were there, together with loads of fans waiting for the pilots to come out after the end of the quali. She was bombarded with flashes and the way was full of people asking her for an autograph, probably since they knew she was dating Max Verstappen. She hated every person who knocked on her glass, begging her to stop, so she covered her face with her left hand while with the other she managed to drive. When she finally get out of the circuit and nobody was around her, she put her sunglasses off and held on until get into her hotel room. As soon as she closed the door, she slipped alongside the door and set on the floor, crying. She forced herself to don't cry but every effort was useless, her heart was hurting and tears came down without letting her breathe.

She didn't know how much time passed before she get up. She looked at the window with that strange sensation you have after crying that much, she felt like everything around her was surreal; the clouds, the sky. She felt empty, betrayed by her own family, if she could call her father "family". She looked at the sky again and realized how late it was, it was dark outside yet, so she decided to take a shower even if she didn't want to. She prepared her clothes and flowed the water of the shower, then she looked at the mirror of the bathroom and took a look at her face. She was exhausted, her eyes were red and swollen and her face was all red, she never felt so ugly before. She put her clothes off and entered the shower but as soon as her skin touched the water, it was cold. She thought it was strange so waited a couple of minutes even if she was freezing. She checked the water again but it was still cold so decided to call reception to fix it, like she wasn't pissed off enough. She wore the bathrobe and tried to call someone, but nobody answered her. Cursing the day she was born, she put her clothes on and get out of the room to go personally to the reception.

She stopped in front of the elevator and pressed the button then after few seconds the automatic doors opened and inside of it there was Carlos. His hair was wet and he seemed pissed off as well. 
"I'll take the stairs" said y/n taking a step back.
"come in, this is the 9th floor" he said looking away from her. Y/n entered the elevator and when she was about to press the ground button, she realized he had already pressed it.
"ground floor?" asked her on the opposite side of the elevator.
"My water is cold and nobody answers the phone." She understood the reason for his wet hair. "you?"
"Same problem" 

They reached the ground floor and went to the reception desk together, she felt goosebumps and for a moment she imagined nothing wrong was going on and they were together trying to fix the water problem, like a couple. But the reality was different and worse.
He laid his right harm on the desk, tapping nervously his fingers on it. She looked at this movement in silence, they were strong yet elegant.
"Good evening, how can I help you?" a man finally arrived from a room near the desk.
"There's no hot water in our rooms" said Carlos. The way he said our made y/n feel protected, like despite all, he would care about her.
"I'm sorry about this problem, we will fix it right now" he picked up the phone and talked to another person while y/n and Carlos looked around the hall of the hotel, avoiding every eye contact or chat. "I beg you pardon Sirs, what is the number of your room?"
"we're not in the same room. Mine is 1003" said Carlos with a glacial voice.
"mine is 950"
"I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, anyway our plumbing will fix your problem as soon as possible, meanwhile you can drink something at the bar, it's offered by the hotel for the inconvenience, of course" 

They looked at each other very embarrassed but also pissed off for many reasons, the same for both of them, to be honest. 
"I just want a glass of water and then I'll come back to my room to sleep, I'll take a shower tomorrow morning" said y/n moving to the bar. Carlos followed her and asked for a glass of water too.  They were set distantly from each other on the desk, but sometimes their gazes met, even just for a second while the barman poured the water into two glasses. 
"You okay?" asked Carlos "you looked like you had cried" even if Carlos' words seemed caring, her body and tone of voice were distant and cold. He took a sip of water, looking at the bottles behind the desk.
Y/n stayed in silence for a couple of seconds, wondering if it was the right thing to say everything to Carlos, then she spoke.
"I've been betrayed by my father and Max. Apparently, they had a secret plan to destroy me and my life." said y/n all in one breath with a bittersweet smile. Carlos remained in silence looking at her, while a couple of drops fell from his hair into his Ferrari sweater. "I don't know exactly what happened. I guess I'll find out in these days."
"you mean what happened after or before you blocked me?" asked Carlos looking at his glass.
"what? You blocked me. You suffer from memory loss?" 
"What are you talking about?" his eyes were totally lost and confused, like she said something unbelievable to him.

"Excuse me, I didn't want to interrupt you, but your showers are now fixed. You can go if you want" the reception guy looked at each other and knew he had interrupted something important.
"Thank you" said Carlos smiling at him, while y/n was looking at Carlos. His smile was soft and nice to that guy, just like his eyes. It was incredible how his eyes and gaze were a mystery to her. 
"I...I think I'll go to my room" said Carlos, still shocked by what y/n said before. He looked at her who was still sitting on the barstool and smiled awkwardly, then he left the room, disappearing.
She remained sitting at the table for a couple of minutes in silence, thinking about probably Max and her father blocking Carlos' number on her phone. She was so mad that she punched the table, then went up to her room deciding not to attend the race the next day and to fly to London, she wanted to return to her own house, as soon as possible.

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